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My hairs were flowing with winds. I kept my eyes closed. I was still scared, still crying. I raised my one foot and decided to end my life.

My eyes was closed but then there I noticed the face of my mother crying, kate being heartbroken. I am only child of my mother and friend of kate.
My mother needs me at this point and kate, he really lost his childhood bestfriend because of me. There will be some solution. We will sort it out. I couldn't be this coward. I suddenly opened my eyes and took my step back. I held the courage and then moved away from the window and faced the blackboard.
But there I noticed one man around the age of 30. He was having Korean feature. A chocolate brown type of dark skin and having violet monolid eyes. His face was full of freckles and scars. He was having well built masculine body. He was tall wearing dark purple kimono
Having white dots all over it.
I kept on staring at him without notice. I was blank and analysing about this situation. Lot of questions were lingering on my head.
He was having one black book with pale yellow pages in his hand.
He was staring at this hand watch which was also quite unusual like him.
I was too surprised to reach at this situation
He was having long straight hair touching his elbow which was tied in half pony.
He looked like some ancient warrior or king by his dressing.
It was all empty room. Only him and me
I suddenly came into senses and asked him.
" May I know your name?"
"Time, Son of life."
"Seems like you don't wanna live."
He was cold in his words. I couldn't read a single thing from his expression. It was so neutral that one cannot see his eyebrow moving.
" What do you mean?? From where, you entered?? Who are you??"
"You ask a lot of question. Didn't you??"
I ignored him and opened the gate. But no one was waiting there. I moved back to my class. It was filled with all chaos but noone noticed me. I mistakenly touched one guy and he turned all ice. Soon the ice sheets were spread all across the room, freezing every single unit.
And i was wearing cotton shirt and skirt and socks only.
I moved my eyes here and there and thenI noticed that same ancient guy flipping through his book while constantly seeing the watch. He glared at me.
He spoke up nothing.
I kept on shouting on him and asking him to make me aware about this situation. He ignored me.
Like a mad cow, i was showing my directionless rage. I was not in my senses. I couldn't control my self.
Accidently, i witnessed outside my window.
I noticed..
I noticed....
I noticed my dead body which was covered with blood. My own blood. My body was lifeless laying on the ground. Whole crowd was gathered there,seeing my dead flesh and they were scared but not more than me. I touched my body. But as far as I can assume, i no longer have a body. I am dead. The thing only left is soul. My eyes widened and those eyes straight went to that ancient guy.
I asked him. " Am i dead?!"
"Are you magician or something. What is happening.stop playing. You will get nowhere by this."
I straight went to ground and pass through the people like i was nothing. My existence was nothing. I saw my dead body which was now transported to the ambulance. There I noticed Kyung seok. I noticed that he was wearing both rings in his fingers. The one I gifted him and the one with which he proposed me. His hands were trembling. I saw sweat coming out of his body. It was cold sweat. He literally straight went to his house. I didn't know how but he straight went to his house and no one was there. He moved to his room and stared to the mirror. He lifted his cheek, trying to smile.
." You don't have to be sad. It wasn't your fault and it doesn't matter to u. It doesn't affect you. You have other things to care about. She was nothing to u. After all..". After that he couldn't control himself and let out all the unexpressable emotions through his tears. He was crying like a baby who lost his favourite toy. He was complaining like a preacher who wasn't able to approach to god. He was begging and being in the lowest point. He was so shattered. He cried and cried and cried and the pain he was suffering can only be seen through his eyes. He held himself by his arms. Trying to console himself. He was muttering something. He tried to resist his feeling but whenever he tried to control his emotions, he broke worse. The guilt, the sadness, the helplessness, the attachment. Everything can be seen in his tears. It is the only language he could speak.
" Do you want to cry?? You should be happy that you can only see this emotion. It needs boody for that. The only thing that you feel this is guilt."
I got distracted and again saw whatever he call himself, maybe time.
"I wanted to go home."
"You can try but you will never."
"I know the address."
"You are too bold to not take me serious after all this."
I wanted to see my mom, in what condition she was right now. I roamed here and there but never reached the desire location, not near one. I ran and ran but couldn't identify a single thing nearby my house. I wasn't lost but i lost my home. As he said, I couldn't explain anything. Not through tears, panic, nothing. I was just feeling emotionless. I was nothing but a guilt.
"So there is no existence of mine."
I asked him while he was sitting on the bench.
"Even the dead ones have their own existence. You should be grateful."
I saw him blankly.

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