Secret of mine

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Flash back
( Luna was sitting in school park and waiting for kyung seok where some people came to tease her.)
"Oh my god! Don't you know that you are the ugliest girl i ever see."
She said while throwing balls on Luna.
"Her face making me puke."
"I am amazed that she has a boyfriend in fact the hottest guy, I mean i am feeling bad for soojin. She is losing her game because of her."
"I want some tips babes that how you manage to seduce people." He touched her face inappropriately.
"She might begged in front of him that please date me or else I will eat poison."
"He wouldn't care much about her life, she might made him agree with guns in her hand."
That same boy sit next to her and while touching her thighs, he said
" Shut up, she is not that bad. It's only her face that's messed up but her body is amazing. She is kinda hot." He slid his hand in circular motion in her skirt.
"Stop groping me." Luna pushed him off .
"How dare you to touch my boyfriend? Stop accusing him, do you really think someone wanna touch you. He was just consoling you"
"Dear, she doesn't deserve my sympathy."
"Did i ask for it, Control your boyfriend." And then she ran away  as fast as she can.
"How can she do this to you, she deserves punishment. She blamed you for trash."
"Let's follow her."
* The end of the flashback*

"Let's see it." I said being the coldest version of mine.
When that boy tried to touch her skirt, i grabbed his hair and push him away from her.
"Let me complete my sentence.I said let's see it how you dare to touch her."
I punched him hard on his face. Out of my emotion, i started to punch him uncontrollable which made him little potato.
"What are you doing? He is my boyfriend."
"Then pray that he would be alive after my beating."
"I will sue you for murdering him."
"Should I elaborate about the consequences you will face if i become witness against your boyfriend that he was outraging modesty of girl who is minor. "
She tried to push me off and slapped me .
I slapped on her cheeks which made her cry.
"Don't you know how to treat women."
"You better not teach me." I said angrily
"It's enough let them go. They won't repeat their mistake again." She was horrific and scared in her statement.
"Do you want these molester to move freely?"
"I want you to be safe. that's all"
"If you wish to be alive then beg her for mercy."
"I am sorry."
"Get out till i change my mind."
They both then ran away as fast they could.
"Where are you going?"
"Going  to tell about this to kyung seok."
"Please, i don't want him to worry about me. I didn't even told about these stuff to my parents. This will only make them worry"
"What is your name?"
"You didn't like when I called you batman."
"Who said I liked you? "
"You don't deserve my sympathy."
"I didn't even asked for."
She started to cry on my shoulder
"It would be terrifying to tell this to your loved ones."
She didn't replied and continued to cry
"You hated me so if you would tell me about your situation, It will make me worry and you will be happy then. Tell me if these monster ever tried to cross their lines."
Do kyung seok Pov
Where did she go? She promised that we will spend some time. Leave it!
"Hey soojin long time no see"
"Kyung seok, I love you."
" What!"

It is enough for today and i wish you good health. Keep reading and yes please don't bully anyone and grop anyone . It's a serious crime and might Kate can come to beat your ass if you ever tried to . Btw lots of love💕💕💕💕

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