an act

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"I won't be selling my body." I hid my body.
" look, it's like real life type of drama. We are in urgent for a beautiful lady. You know you won't see cameras. They were all hidden. And the dialogues are also not planned. This is some kind of new art. And I want you to act like you are my wife for one day. And I will make sure you got some good amount for this . I know, what it is to be like a pauper?? "
".You want me to trust you."
"If you want money, then yes."
For a second, I couldn't comprehend his words. But anyways, who says no to new money.
" I am not a easy game if you are trying to fool me. I would ruin you. If anything will happen to me."
He rolled his eyes. " look miss, I am very commoner and innocent type of men who act for small short films, and sometimes like modelling "
" Same old murderer manipulation."
"Is this yes??" He questioned.
I scanned him from top to bottom.
" what do you want me to do??"
" let's go for shopping " he held my hand and asked me to follow.
After some time
" do you want me to roam naked??"
" look, this is how all rich people dress. You have no choice and please it isn't that short."
"Are you consoling me or you??"
He understood my dirty, dark joke.
Employee picked one dress which was  below the knees and had a decent neckline.
" mam and sir, this dress might help. It gives richy class vibe without showing much skin."
We both agreed.
He paid all the bills and I was amused that how much money his company give him and he still he consider him as a poor. Here, I am surviving fir next meal and still had some attitude of owning some empire. He looked at me with his lashes down. All the seriousness, I could see his smile but not for a once, I felt his happiness. Maybe his heart doesn't pump blood when beat.
" do you want something. Ohh!! That's company card for carrying all the expenses. I own no share of it"
I looked away.

Next day
I wore the dress with low bun and one necklace that stupid pauper gave me. I looked at mirror. Consciousness about that it doesn't tight hugged me. I am usually comfortable in baggy clothes and this is new for me. I took the purse ,waited him to do some taxi. One honked I heard from the outside. I went there to check it. It looked like some real good money. He was in some expensive car. He opened the door and told me to sat there. I did as he instructed. And then we went to some far place. I already prepared some necessary precautions. If that motherfucker goona touch me then it would be his last day. Then we entered some mansion. The subtle lighting and neutral colours fascinated me. I stared every detail like a baby. He instructed me to hold him like a couple and I did as he said.
We met his father ( obviously actor). I greeted him. His father smiled at me and then passed it to him. I was bit confused but I don't want to waste my energy to think about it.
I acted as he told me to.
We then met his grandfather. He was way too old and had a very sweet smiling face. His face filled with wrinkled. One needed some minute to saw his lip line. But all together, he too had some scars on his body. Maybe a major during his period.
" oh my goodness !! You are real lady. Why didn't you wear something traditional. My young daughter in law would really looked pretty in hanbok. "
" see I told you, and you know he was telling to wear something short to look classy. He really don't have any sense."
He laughed and his smile made me eventually laughed. Kate grinned at me and signalled me to shut his mouth. His father, on the contrary, raised his eyebrow and stared at the ground with hand crossed.
" see, he is telling me to shut up. Why are you hiding the truth or you hate the fact that I was proven right. Atleast, if you had gone according to me, I would be wearing something new."  Grandfather laughed and with his  warm smile he told me that I could wear a hanbok of his wife which was quite similar to me. This made me excited. As I was Taiwanese, I never really saw hanbok in real life. And tbh, i never really tried my own traditional dress. As there was some limited option for dressing in our orphan. We rarely got such things in donation and moreover i was more interested in searching books and never get a chance to look at clothes which i wanted to choose. By coming korea, i wanted to gift myself everything that i longed in my childhood. Just wait and watch, i would put blood, sweet and dreams in my ambitions.
As I was all thinking these stuff, i understood that wearing hanbok is not a piece of cake. It was so confusing. I was just tangled in my own dress. There were so many layers in it. And i couldn't handle one. I put instruction video but nothing helped.
" Seems like your wife never wore such things before. Was she from high rich modern class." I could hear his laugh and voice and was filled with embarrassment.
" Go help her."
" how could I. That's all girly stuff and .."
He cut him in between. " who spend all his childhood with his grandmother and i remembered that how you wore hanbok  when you were five. Looking like cute princess." "But she is" "your wife". He knocked my door. My eyes widened.
" I didn't wear hanbok. Wait!!"
"Let me in. Or you will not be wearing till night."
I wore my black dress and then opened the door. He sighed.
He instructed me how to wear the base layer by wearing on himself like for 14 times. And in my surprise, I was quite good learner. I learned at 15. He turned himself and promised that he will not look at me. And there was no option so I trusted him but as I removed my dress. I forcefully blindfolded him. He protested at first but then understood and surrended. I wore my base layer. And there, he helped me in wearing the dress.
" what is taking them so long??"
His father questioned and then grandfather like always, smiled at me and appreciating me with his eyes.
"See I told you our young daughter so pretty."
I blushed and looked at kate. And kate was completely tired and exhausted.
That stupid rat.
Suddenly one gorgeous lady entered with wearing purple hanbok. She might be playing the role of his elder sister.
"Sorry my baby, I am late." He hugged him. She looked at me. " Is she my daughter in law??".
DAUGHTER IN LAW!! Don't tell me that she is his mother. I would be fainting.
"You look so young. How old are you??."
She nervously answered that she is 33. World is cruel. She looks ten years young than her age. Wait a second, she is 33 and he maybe 19. Then don't get me. Eww, I mean what a worst script line in my opinion. 
We then all sat for the dinner. Everyone was way too quiet and I was looking like a dumbass as I was irritating kate and others by my talking. He laughed."  When I was your age I wanted to talk like this. But the dining is place to eat, not to talk."and then i silently obeyed . He then showed me the picture of his sister in law.
And guess what was my reaction?? Yes, you guessed it right.
"Eww, does she even brush her hair. It looked like it was all on her face. I bet she doesn't clean herself for weeks " kate did face pat. He was so ashamed of my existence. He couldn't understand how can someone be so uneffortlessly problematic. He hit my back and widened his eyes. In a gentle way that no one would noticed. His expression was telling me to zip my mouth. And his father was nervously laughing. They both don't know how to act in camera. He was saying, he is an actor. A big fat lie. So, we were just playing battles with our eyes.
" you should not say such harsh things to elders. But personally,I also didn't liked her due to her behaviour. She always tried to villianise me in front of your grandmother in law."
" He also doesn't like her and it's my intuition I felt that she isn't a good human."
I know this is some kind of act. But I am feeling some sense of connection with grandfather. He is so good elder. My wardon, on the other hand, always find excuse to demoralize me. I really don't want to talk back to him. He is such a pure soul. He was showing me all the things he admire and it's kinda cute when people show their sweet and little obsession. He was showing me the love letters he wrote to grandmother. With some pinch of poetry and humour, he expressed his feelings on those sheets. He was showing the portrait of him that the grandmother made. He really love her, even after her death. His face brightened when he talked about her. I , silently heard. He was telling that how hard for him to wait for her and the excitement they had when they met each other's after long breaks.he told me that distance was never reason of their arguments but the way of strengthen the relationship. He was telling little moments with her and how much he missed her. Suddenly, he started crying and I consoled him. I really felt bad for him. He told me that he saw reflection of them in us, yes, me and kate and i can't understand why. All we do is fight. But I didn't want to ruin the mood of my grandfather. So i didn't revolted. After some time, he showed me his library and yes, for me it is paradise. There were so many books of my interest. Without any permission, but with a bunch of excitement, I started to collect some interesting books. I agree, he has some good taste.
Kate entered and with his eyes, he instructed me to keep those books down and with long face, I kept them. But grandfather suggested some and told me to take books whatever I want. He is best . I hugged him and kissed his cheeks. I thanked him and his face filled with smile and calmness.
Kate side eyed me and I annoyingly teased him by making faces. He quit .
After some talks, we left. And tbh, it was best day. When he was taking me back to my home. I was just filled with happiness and joy. I was seeing those books and felt some warm of good elders. It then made me sad Andi felt so bad for me that I never had a chance to felt this before.
I asked him when we will get a chance to meet him again and he told me never. I pouted. Maybe this is only one last opportunity. But atleast, I got a experience of love and closeness. 
He then dropped me home and told me that I must return those dresses.
"You can keep those books. "
I then made a long face with puppy eyes .
"Only hanbok."
I smiled and then went to my home.
Kate pov
Tbh, she was looking so gorgeous in hanbok. She is way too cunning to handle and too arrogant to guide but she isn't as bad as i thought. She was looking so cute in that hanbok. Ahh!! Kate, you love Luna. Don't get distracted. And whenever I felt butterflies in my stomach. I remember my Luna. Her sweet voice and kind heart. And this made me so sad. Sometimes. I feel that I couldn't live any other person. I miss her so much.
Noone can make my heart flutter like her. It's so sad that girl like Luna loved do Kyung seok. He didn't even cared about her. All he did was to get along with her so called friend, soojin after breakup. She deserves the world. I wish I could give her. And whenever I saw haru, I felt something but then the feeling of love for Luna. Atleast, she should have stayed with me by being friend of mine. My little friend, why did you choose that. I wish I could either brought you back or forget you and I know both are out of my hand. All I could do is be in this suffocating feeling.

Hey tulips, love you 💕💕💕💕💕💕
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