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Author's POV

The whole room was filled with happiness and white lights. Everyone was looking great. Luna was waiting for kate arrival as her eyes kept on searching him. Like her, he was also searching him in his pigeon white silk dress  and  when they both made eye contact, they both were relieved.
" Why did you tell me to wear this dress?"
"Because it was in your wardrobe, I just normally picked it."
"You are looking beautiful in this." He naturally praised her but suddenly changed his words by saying
" I mean this dress is looking beautiful."
They both randomly talked about the stuff but then they heard kate name.
Seo yoo ji was the host and she was wearing red elegant gown. She is the daughter of the owner of this school and it's organisation.
" Today, we are welcoming Mr. Kate, one of our precious trustee to say something."
He sighed, he grabbed Luna hand while walking, heading towards stage and hatefully glared soojin.
Soojin was wearing black tight dress and put her bangs on side. She was shocked too by seeing all this.
"What do you think you are doing?" He whispered in Seo yo Ji's ear.
"It's my job" she whispered and suddenly proclaimed
"Before all this,Let's hear the voice of our trustee. "
He grunt with his teeth.
" Let's also enjoy our favourite class representative, Ms. Kim soojin and our most popular guy, Do Kyung seok dance ."
Everyone clapped in order to welcome the dance.
Kate was afraid to utter any word and was filled with anxiety. Luna snatched the mic and suddenly started singing

The music started to complementing the voice and so did  the  dance too. Kyung seok offered Soojin to dance and she held her hand elegantly. Soojin and Kyung seok were dancing glaring at each other but it wasn't romantic at all. It was dance with least emotion and maximum effort but it was elegant as Kyung seok, swirl her  touched her waist while dancing and then bent her in his arms.
" At first, I liked the melodious tone of piano in this song but now I am clearly seeing the picture of lyrics in front of me." Kate thought while being an observer of whole scenario.
The moment, the song  stopped, Luna escaped from the scene. Kate started to introduce himself and talked about how beautiful the arrangement was.
Kyung seok followed her and grabbed her hand. He started to crying in her arms.
" Luna..."
He kept on crying and crying. Luna was about to console him but he moved away from her.
" Ohh, your new boyfriend is here."
Kate was observing both of them like statue.
" Kyung seok, if you ever loved me then please don't talk to me."
She left the place leaving both males staring each other.
They both soon left that place too.
All alone, Luna was sobbing while soojin noticed her. Seeing her in this way she turned tense.
In sudden reaction, she sat in front of her to comfort her by sitting there on her knees l.
" Luna, what happened?
She pushed her away, immediately losing her balance. Soojin lost her balance resulted in falling on floor.
"Why are you doing this?? What do you want?? You get your Kyung seok. Now just shut your mouth. You are pure evil. And your crush is same as you." She yelled on her.
Soojin lost her patience and in response, she burst out even louder.
"Why do you always think yourself as victim? Aren't we all human? Ms. Luna, stop thinking yourself as a some kind of main protagonist who is doing good to everyone and everyone around you is a villan. Rather than blaming anyone, can't you try to resolve it. Stupid coward... "
Soojin was about to utter some words but kate grabbed her hands and was about to slap her. He raised his hands on her. Soojin was frightened, shaking all way. She was shivering when she saw anger in his eyes.
"Slap me" she warned. Kate realised his mistake and free her.
After this, soojin just ran away, controlling her tears.
" I will kill her, if she hurted you" Luna glared at kate and hugged him.
" I will miss you." And there she closed her eyes in her arms.
He was relieved but after that followed soojin.
He grabbed her hand once again but this time firmly.
" Don't touch me. It's hurting." She begged.
"You are true evil, what kind of human you are."
"Rather than blaming any third person, you should see your whatever you call her. You can't put curtains on her mistakes while exaggerating mine."
"See your words. I guess Luna was right, you are the one who told him about all that rubbish."
"I might be searching for new dicks but still kate you should ask whore too, before you touch her."
He free his hands.
" Dare to follow me, you will see the consequences by yourself."
She immediately leaved. She was having breakdown in her car. She was scared by all this. Someone knocked on the mirror. It was Kyung seok. She wiped her tears and faced him
" Do you really think that i should talk to Luna, she doesn't even want to see my face."
She laughed.
" Why are you laughing?"
"Nothing. I was just laughing on my luck. I guess everyone is having some friends. I have none."
"I am your friend."
"You were my friend."
"I really thought you as my friend, but."
She didn't even heard his answer and leave that place.

Hiiiiiii tulips!! If you get a chance to be any character of D.o.T, what you want to be and with whom you will ship yourself.

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