Chapter 50

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Stray kids were angered. And the mission had finally started.

Minho's most priority was saving Seungwoo, and he would do it, whatever it takes.

So they were ready.

Their mission was firstly to arrive at the shed, then secondly to free all the prisoners they could see.

They knew the mission was full of blind spots, mostly coming to the fact that they couldn't be sure what was actually in the shed, but it didn't matter any more. It was time to intervene.

They bolted in the shed with over protection.

Seungmin had made their new body protection, and they wore it perfectly well. Helmet, Jackets, protected pants, nothing could touch them and they were confident in Seungmin's work.

Their weapons were ready, from their favorite guns, knives and Seungmin's new guns, they got ready the last two days in practicing with them and they were ready to destroy anything and anyone that came their way.

Jisung was still slightly weakened, that is why he was commanded behind in the formation.

The formation was easy. In the front line, there were a few guards, some that were trained exclusively by Changbin, which meant they were qualified enough to assure their own security. Second Line was Changbin and Minho, Third Line was Hyunjin, assuring security from behind them. Fourth Line was Han, and just behind him were guards specifically trained by Hyunjin, assuring the whole group's security by guns.

The first thing they saw when arriving in front of the shed, was a huge number of guards, seemingly prepared to not let anyone enter.

As soon as they saw this, they let the first line intervene, as well as Hyunjin and the others guards that attacked from distance, until none of Jeongho's guards could actually survive their offensive intervention.

So soon enough, they opened the shed's doors, and walked in.

Jisung felt all kinds of emotions entering the shed, the sight bringing him back a few years ago, when he actually was trapped in a similar place, fighting for his sickening life.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, he didn't even have time to reminisce, as other guards jumped at them.

This time, they all fought.

The Front line was already tired from the first fight, which meant that Changbin and Minho attacked first, and it wasn't a problem for them.

Changbin didn't wait to run to the guards, strongly punching a few in the face, kicking a few in the legs, putting them in chokeholds until Hyunjin finished them off with a single bullet between their eyes.

Minho had been so out of his mind since he knew that Seungwoo was endangered, that he didn't think twice before running to the guards he first saw and swinging his sharpened dagger at them.

In a few swings, he completely unraveled a few guards, as he couldn't even think rationally with the amount of anger flooding through his mind.

And none of Jeongho's guards actually had time to even slightly touch them. Because Changbin and Minho were excellent fighters, and when they had the tiniest chance to actually touch them, Hyunjin was quicker, and they fell dead on the ground with a bullet in their brains.

After some time, the shed was seemingly cleaned up from Jeongho's minions, and the two first fighters finally had some time to get their breaths back.

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