Chapter 46

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As soon as Chan and Minho came back, most of the members ran to the door in sheer panic.

They had been informed that Minho was localized in the hospital and, since then, they were terrified of what happened to the older.

They watched how the two stepped in with the most devastated expression on their faces, and they were skeptical of what kind of thing they were going to say.

"Oh my god, Minho" Hyunjin said, running to them "So you were at the hospital? What happened ?!" He asked panickly

"Well... a lot" Minho whispered, eyes fixated to the ground

"We have things to discuss, Jeongin, go pick Felix please" Chan commanded, and the younger hurried.

As soon as they were all reunited, Chan took a deep breath.

"So... We found Jisung" He stated, and all of them gasped in happiness

"Wait" Seungmin said, a wide smile spreading on his face

"Really?" Felix asked in excitement

"How is he?" Jeongin asked

"Bad, in a really bad state" Minho said, eyes still not raising

"He got into a fight with Jeongho, he's the one in a hospital bed" Chan explained, and their smile slowly faded

"Oh god" Hyunjin said, hands brushing his hair in distress

"He almost died" Chan added, and they froze even more

"This idiot..." Changbin huffed

"And... He accepted us?" Felix asked tentatively

"We... asked for him to come back" Chan tried to explain, trying to find his words

"What did he say?" Jeongin asked in apprehension

"That he is hurt, and will need some time to adapt" Chan explained, and they sighed in unison

"He feels betrayed" He added when no one responded

"Legit" Seungmin admitted, sighing loudly

"I can understand" Felix added

"But... there's something else" Chan cutted them off

"Oh" Hyunjin said, no trace of a smile apparent.

"He said he'll come back, but only to beat Jeongho" Chan continued

"Really?" Felix asked in pure concern

"Which means he won't participate for the crew, he'll only beat Jeongho, then leave" Chan explained, and Minho sniffled loudly beside him.

"Wasn't it... what he already wanted at first?" Seungmin tentatively asked

"I think in the end he liked it here... But why this change?" Changbin asked, trying to stay rational, but he noticed how Minho shifted.

"He doesn't want to stay. I don't think he feels comfortable enough" Chan explained, and their shoulders dropped

"Legit... once again" Seungmin admitted

"And I want you to understand that he may appear cold, but none of us has any right to be hurt by that. It is what we deserve, and we have to accept that" Chan said, trying to stay as respectful as he could to Jisung's desires.

"But..." Felix soundlessly said

"I know it's not what any of us want, and we can still try to make him feel like home, but we created a break I don't think we can build back" Chan cutted him, and Felix bit his lip in pure sadness.

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