Chapter 42

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Chan was tapping on his laptop, annoyment flooding through his veins.

He had been watching hours and hours of the security cameras from the last months and he felt deep frustration.

His eyes suddenly widened as he finally found something.

He rewinded a bit, watching in astonishment as it finally appeared right in front of his eyes.

He strongly hit the table with a punch, as he lowered his head and let out the loudest sigh.

"Fuck" He muttered, huge regret falling on his shoulders.

He stood up in a hurry, as he grabbed the mic in his office.

"Attention to everyone" He called through the whole mansion. "I want everyone to attend the living room, members, guards and doctors. Every one that wouldn't be there will be killed with my own hands" He growled into the mic, voice authoritarian as he put the mic back into his place, before slowly walking to the living room.

Arriving there, there were already settled all around the room, as he looked at each one of them with a deadly stare.

"Members, block the doors" He ordered, without even giving them a glance as each one of them ran to the few doors, stepping in front of it and watching closely each move in the room.

"Hyunjin, gun out" He ordered again, and Hyunjin gladly complied.

He looked around as he saw that Minho wasn't there, and he supposed that the latter must have been sleeping soundly at the moment.

He walked slowly in front of each one of his men, nodding his head as a hello as he strongly looked at them.

"Hello" He said to a guard

"Hello, sir" He formally responded, nodding his head.

"Hi, Seonghwa" He greeted, as the latter smiled at him and responded with a hi.

"Yunho" He greeted with a nod, and the other repeated it.

He stopped in front of one of the guards, as he turned to him and smiled at him.

"Hello" Chan said

"Hello, sir"

"Tell me, what's your name?" He asked, emotionless

"Joonwoo, sir" He responded, voice slightly wavering from the pressure Chan had installed in the room

"How long have you been guarding here?"

"For a year, sir"

"Good..." He said, stepping forward "And what do you do all day?"

"I make sure everything is safe and I guard the hall, sir" He responded, an uneasy look painting his face.

Chan gritted his teeth as he turned away from him. He sighed loudly before turning back to him

"You guard the hall, huh?" He asked with a huff "Then tell me why I can see you wandering in the corridors and hiding during those last months?" He asked as his eyes darkened, glaring at his soul.

"Th-There's cameras?" The male asked, eyes widening as he felt his blood freeze.

"Yes, my dear. There is" Chan confessed, narrowing his eyes more.

"I just wanted to go to the bathroom, sir" He responded, and that answer made Chan click his tongue in annoyment.

"Is that why I saw you listening at the doors, where Han was? Every single time he was alone with my members?" Chan asked, as his all of his members turned their heads to him, understanding the situation right away.

"I- No" He stuttered "I was..." He tried to find something, but couldn't.

In a panic move, the guard rushedly took a knife out of his pocket, and swung it as quickly as he could to Chan, trying to hurt him.

But Hyunjin was quicker.

A gunshot echoed in the room, as Hyunjin put his gun back into his pocket, and watched as the boy let his knife fall to the floor as he screamed in pain, holding his hand tightly to stop the blood from flooding out.

Chan put his foot onto the man, pressing into it as he crouched down.

"Is this a confession that you betrayed us and put Jisung as a culprit?" Chan menacingly asked, his foot pressing more and more.

"Go to hell" The boy responded as he winced in pain, struggling to breathe as he got cornered.

Chan sighed as he got back up, and looked at the others guards, face firm and foot still holding the other into the ground.

"If anyone here has something to say about the situation, it's time to talk" He loudly said, staring at each one of them as he frowned.

None of them answered, and Chan supposed that none of the others knew. In fact, he had only see Joonwoo on the cameras

"Then make sure to not stab us in the back like he did" He threatened, before turning to Hyunjin and kicking the man on the ground

"He's yours Hyunjin, bring him to the torture room" He commanded firmly

"With pleasure" He responded as he cracked his neck, a subtle smirk on his lips as he walked to him.

The evening was long.

They could hear the pained cries coming from the torture room, and Chan got annoyed that he was taking so much time to give them answers. Jeongho's man seemed to be well prepared.

He walked back to the rooms, as he softly knocked at Minho's room.

The latter have been sound asleep for most of the day, trying to get back the sleep he lost since Jisung left.

He delicately nudged him to wake him up, watching as Minho seemed to be away for a few seconds.

"I got it" Chan softly said

"What?" Minho got alarmed, opening his eyes suddenly

"Answers" He breathed out

Minho redressed on his bed in a flash, before looking at Chan with expecting eyes, biting his lip in apprehension of what the truth finally was.

"It was guard" Chan explained, and Minho's eyes got wide

"WHAT?" He yelled

"He listened to everything, and told Jeongho. Jisung is mostly a victim of their schemes"

"I- Then that means-"

"Yes, Jisung may be endangered" Chan said with a sigh, eyes saddening

"Fuck" Minho said as he threw his covers away from him, standing up in a slight second as he searched for some clothes

"What are you doing?" Chan asked as he stood up

"Search for him" Minho responded unbothered, putting a few clothes on

"Minho... you won't find him by wandering blindly in the streets" Chan said, trying to calm him down.

"I'll go back to his apartment, I don't care" He said, shuffling in his weapons for a few knives.

"Minho, be realistic"

"I don't need reality or rational thoughts" Minho stooped as he looked right at Chan's eyes

 "I need to make sure he's well" He firmly responded, before running out of the room as quickly as he could.

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