Chapter 17

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Minho spent the whole night tossing and turning in his bed.

He replayed the mission thousands of times in his head, reminiscing and processing everything. He thought about what happened, what could have happened if he didn't suddenly argue with Jisung, what if Changbin hadn't intervened, what if Felix couldn't have been able to call for help.

That made him disoriented.

He was usually rather concentrated on missions, why was Jisung's presence bugging him so much?

He didn't have many answers, but he started to think that he may be overreacting a bit.

Everyone had included him so much, why couldn't he do it as well?

He replayed his last conversation with Jisung and remembered how dumb he had acted. Jisung didn't like him either, but he still decided to apologize, he made a step forward and he closed him off.

Minho felt ashamed somehow. Jisung was the bigger person.

When he woke up, eyes puffy from the little number of hours of sleep he had, he got up rather quickly, hoping that he was early enough and that no one was awake.

Getting to the kitchen, he grinned to himself noticing that no one was around.

He opened the fridge, analyzing the ingredients he had, before starting to take some out of the fridge and the shelves, humming a song to himself.

He got into his cooking, batting eggs on one side, making toasts on the other. He let his spirit calm down as he cooked for everyone, something he always loved to make.

As soon as it was over, he gently placed it in the living room, knowing Hyunjin and Seungmin will arrive soon enough.

He looked proudly at the little table, full of pancakes, avocado or chocolate toasts, with some already cut fruits on the side, before stirring his sore arms a bit.

He went back to the corridors, deciding to have a little talk with some of his members.

He knocked at Felix's door, waiting for the other to give him an answer, which he gave not too long after.

He opened the door carefully, watching as only Felix's face was out of his covers, his phone with what was seemingly tik tok on the background lighting his face.

"Can I come in?" He asked softly, grinning as Felix nodded with a bright smile.

He walked to the boy as he sat on his bed, and felt his heart tighten as he saw the little cuts on his freckled face, he couldn't mask how he stiffened, how his face contorted in shame.

"Don't feel guilty" Felix whispered, slowly stirring in his bed "It's not that bad, I know how to defend myself"

Minho let out a huge deceptive sigh, before looking at his feet.

"I'm sorry Lixie. I was supposed to be there for you but I let you down because I was acting dumbly" He apologized sincerely

"I told you to not feel guilty!" Felix nagged, sitting up as he placed a hand on his friend's shoulder "I'm not mad at you, nor at Jisung. But I'm grateful you came to me to apologize"

"I knew you wouldn't, but that was really low of me" Minho said with a dry chuckle "I'll do better, I promise" He added, finally looking back at Felix.

"I know you will! I trust you" Felix added with a smile, and Minho couldn't help but smile back.

He stood up with a sigh as he looked at the sunshine boy stirring in his bed

"I made breakfast" Minho told him, and he let out a sincere chuckle as he watched Felix hurry out of the bed and run away, mostly to the food.

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