Chapter 23

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"Good morning guys" Chan greeted as he sat down, opening up his laptop and getting ready for the meeting he called for.

In front of him, his members were still slightly sleepy, but they had brought their coffee and were ready to listen to Chan for the well-being of the next mission.

"Next mission isn't going to be in a building, but this time it's an apartment" Chan said as he started projecting the target's profile.

"This is Woo Ray, 50 years old, head of an electronic company" He stated

Jisung tensed as the picture of the man, his hand clenching in a punch under the table. Minho, who was sitting just beside him, felt the discomfort. He looked at him from the corner of his eyes, noticing Jisung's distress.

"He is a close partner of our main target, Jeongho. As Jeongho is hard to find, we'll have to pass by this guy" He said, pointing at the picture "I have enough dirt on him to bring him down, he had many unconducted cases of sexual aggression and harassment on multiple people, have been seen hanging around places known for human trafficking, he also fiscally evades for 70% of his income, he would have been long gone without Chaos. I can still send him away, where people would take good care of him while we destroy his company, but before, we need him for information related to Jeongho" Chan explained, as they nodded along "That is why we're going to kidnap him, and make him suffer a little, is that alright for everyone?"

"Perfect" Jisung abruptly responded, nodding firmly

The others nodded along, as Minho tried hard to analyze Jisung's expression.

"For this mission, I'll need Jisung, Minho and Changbin" Chan said, as the named ones turned their attention to their leader "I've found his address. You're going to take him to his apartment" He explained, showing off pictures of what it does look like "Seungmin will make a key with the models I'll send to him. You'll enter the house in the most normal way : by the entry" He added, earning a few interrogating glances.

"Huh... isn't that weird?" Felix asked, frowning slightly

"Not at all. His house is deadly alarmed and protected. Any strange signs of intrusion, from the exteriors, from the walls or from the windows is signaled, and who knows what kind of trap there is along with it" Chan said, as Felix hummed in understanding "The only way is by the the entrance, and for what I've studied along with Seungmin, we haven't seen any trace of traps inside of the house" He continued

"Okay, so we get in, and then?" Changbin asked curiously

"You'll get in at 3p.m, he won't be there before 4p.m" Chan explained "You have an hour to understand the environment and find a way to take him and bring him back. Don't exclude the possibility that he may be accompanied when he arrives" Chan warned, as they nodded cautiously "Hyunjin and I will stay in a van, not far from there. If there is a problem, you know we'll be listening and we'll try to intervene as fast as possible. I may put Hyunjin in another building, but I still need to make sure he'll be safe there" He explained, Hyunjin smiling happily.

"That's it? Catch him and bring him?" Minho asked

"Yep, and make sure he's alive. He might be our fastest way to Jeongho, let's not waste it" Chan pleaded, and they agreed "You can go prepare for the mission, and sleep well tonight. The departure will be at 2p.m tomorrow" Chan said as he closed his laptop, before standing up, as well as the others.

One by one, they left the room, lightly discussing the outlines of the mission, as Jisung stayed back a little. He was awfully silent, and took his sweet time to leave the room. Again, hearing about Ray and Jeongho brought him intense madness, but he knew better than to burst like he did the last time.

As he exited the room, he got spooked by Minho, who was leaning on the wall, arms crossed

"Is that why you were kinda on edge that other day? Was it that Ray?" Minho suddenly asked, non-subtly at all.

"W-What?" Jisung asked, surprised by Minho's reading. He started walking down the corridors, somehow ignoring Minho's question.

"Ray, you hate him, don't you?" Minho asked again, as he followed him.

"Yep" Jisung simply responded, making Minho frown in frustration

"Why?" Minho asked, as they stopped in front of Jisung's room.

"Look Minho. You're really nice, and I appreciate you trying to help me, but don't push it. Please" Jisung asked, slowly feeling annoyed by Minho's curiosity, but also not wanting to seem ungrateful for the help the latter had given. He tried to say that as gently as possible, and it seemed to be understood by the other, you smiled at him.

"You're right, sorry" Minho apologized, before feeling weirded out that those words left his mouth.

"No, it's okay. I get it" Jisung answered, smiling back at him, before entering his room and closing the door.

Minho stayed in front of the closed door, like a statue.

He felt stupid, just standing there like a lost puppy.

He frowned as he realized how much he had been pushing Jisung to know more.

He walked back in the corridors as he wondered why he was so curious. Why did he want to know so much about the younger. Why did he want to help him feel better so much?

He couldn't understand how he passed from hating his guts deeply to wanting to make him feel loved and protected. It didn't make sense for him.

He shook it off as he decided to go to the living room.

To no one's surprise, Hyunjin and Seungmin were cuddled up on the couch. He knew Seungmin will soon be called to Chan's office and he knew he didn't have to suffer from that view for too long, so he decided to sit next to them, on the other end of the couch.

But he couldn't help but subtly glance at them, and feel a weird feeling engulf him.

He shivered from embarrassment as he realized the thought that crossed his mind.

He felt a gag on his throat as he felt envious of them. Even more when Jisung was the one he imagined.

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