Chapter 30

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The following week has been particularly hard for Minho.

For many reasons actually.

The kiss, the outfit, there were too many factors for Jisung to be constantly running on Minho's mind.

After having the little conversation with Chan, he already knew that he might feel something a little more than friendly for the younger. But he thought it would stop at that, he thought that the kiss would bring him some butterflies but nothing more.

What a joke.

He wasn't ready for the full on interest he felt for the latter. And that was the outfit that revealed those thoughts.

Don't get him wrong, I already told you all that Minho had experience with intercourse. But it was a feeling that he felt for a night or so, a purely physical feeling that came from nothing but a periodic horniness.

Not because of someone in particular.

Jisung and his stupid cunty outfit made his mind blow, despite blowing something else.

For the whole week, he tried to avoid Jisung's eyes, who kept on being suggestive in his opinion. Everytime he could put his eyes on him, the image of his slutty waist would flash through his eyes, and he tried so hard to forget about the slight arousement he felt for such vision.

And he felt so ashamed of that.

Tonight was going to be a great event, and Minho was anticipating it, in many ways. He was happy to be able to celebrate Jeongin's birthday, they haven't had a nice little evening for themselves in a long time, but he worried slightly. He wondered if with some alcohol in his system, he wouldn't be a bit too vocal about whatever feelings his heart and dick were having for Han.

He decided he wouldn't drink too much.

And of course, he drank a lot.

At 10p.m, all of them were already laughing loudly, all sitting in the living room as the table was full of cans of beer and bottles of alcohol.

Minho was on his 4th can, as he had controlled the want of drinking a nice and fresh Moscow Mule that Hyunjin had thoroughly prepared. He did take a few sip out of Chan's cup, but the latter didn't need to know about that.

He looked over at Jisung who kept on discussing warmly with Felix for the whole evening. He had drunk a lot, and his whole face was flushed red already.

He suddenly laughed loudly, taking everyone's attention as they all turned to him.

"Jisungie" Jeongin called "Are you okay?" He asked with a chuckle, looking over at him

"I'm alright, I feel amazing" Jisung responded, slurring his words so slightly "I'll be totally honest, I've never drunk more than a cup and now I'm kinda floating, but I'm GOOD" He exclaimed, smiling widely as he raised his cup.

They all chuckled at his cute manners, before Chan grabbed his attention.

"You should drink some water, Ji" He warned

"NO!" Jisung yelled, bringing his cup to his chest, as a way to protect it

Minho shook his head before taking a sip of his beer

"Minho! Force some water into his system!" Chan commanded, making Minho cough on his own drink as he frowned at Chan

"Why me?" He asked

"You're the convincing one" Chan simply answered, shrugging, making Minho sigh loudly.

Minho stood up lazily as he walked to the couch, in front of Jisung, handing him his hand

Roses blooming from the chaos - MinsungHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin