Chapter 43

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He felt like it was a nightmare.

Maybe it really was deep in a nightmare.

He saw thousands of images that scarred him to the core. And he could see himself running, running in a white box where he couldn't see anything, where he couldn't hear anything. He was lost, and in pain.

He lost sense of time as he could only see that same image of himself running, as if his entire body was tingling with pain every seconds.

He groaned as he felt something wet wiping on his stomach, and he opened his eyes so slightly, but he couldn't see anything, everything was so blurry.

"Oh my god!" A little voice said "He woke up! He's opening his eyes" He heard.

The voice seemed far, but close at the same time. He couldn't decipher the distance.

"For real? He's alive?" Another voice said

He couldn't remember those voices. Who are they? Where is he? Is he even alive?

He tried to talk, but he couldn't.

He could only hear the voices, and feel the ringing pain all over his body.

But he was too tired, too exhausted to fight. He closed his eyes once again, 

he needed more time.

When he opened his eyes again, he had no idea of how much time had passed. Minutes? Hours? Days? He didn't know.

But he heard those voices again, and this time, his vision was less blurry.

He blinked repeatedly as the shadows facing him soon became clearer, and he frowned as he slightly recognized those faces.

"Oh my god! You're awake!" The young boy exclaimed with a wide smile.

Jisung winced at the sound, too high pitched and loud for his sensitive ears.

"Be quiet! He seems to be hurting!" A young girl nagged him, whispering.

"You-" He tried to talk, only to find out how sore his throat was, before coughing a few times "You're the kids from the hospital..." He stated, and they smiled at him widely.

"Yes, we recognized you" The girl said "To be honest, we're still grateful for the money your friend gave us"

"So we figured you needed a little bit of help" The boy continued

"I'm Jiwo, and this is Niki" The girl introduced

"I'm Jisung" He said, every words scratching at his throat painfully "Can you ... explain how I ended up here... please?" He asked pitifully

"Well, we were walking around the city, and we found you in a pile of garbage" Jiwo said, frowning in disgust at the memory

"At first we just wanted to take your money and run away, we thought you were a drunk idiot" Niki added, before getting hit by Jiwo in a nagging manner.

"Anyway, we realized you have been threw by the window because of the pieces of glass, and you were barely breathing, so yeah... we decided that you might need care" Jiwo continued "We figured that you fell on the garbage bags, that's why you didn't explode in pieces when you fell"

Jisung frowned at the explanation, but still listened closely.

He didn't know what luck found him for him to fall on those, but he might have been destiny.

"We don't have much, but we have a few things from the hospital, I think it was enough for you to be half alive, and then if you wake up, we'll bring you to the hospital" Niki added "We deinfected most of your wounds, and applied ointments and bandages basically everywhere. I don't even understand how you can still me alive" He said in utter shock.

Jisung also didn't know. He didn't even know what to think of all of this. Maybe it was a dream, maybe he had died.

"From what I've seen and from what I've heard from the doctors, you may have broken a few bones, like in your arms and legs, and also a few ribs. I don't know which ones though..." She said, thinking hard about her words "Also! Your face was full of wounds! Like literally, lips busted and all! And you're back had a huge bruise, like I've never seen! But it's been more than a week, so you've been scarring well" She explained, smiling cutely

"Yeah, when we took out the bulletproof jacket from you, we clearly didn't thought the impact of a bullet would still create such a bruise, it might have broken the ribs" Niki added "I thought a bulletproof jacket was more useful than that"

Jisung was astonished.

"Wow" Jisung breathed out "I don't even know what to say"

"Well, you can pay us when you feel better" Jiwo said with a sly smile

"Alright" Jisung chuckled sincerely, wincing when it hurt the hell out "You two are literal angels"

"Yeah, yeah, keep those words for when you give us the money" She rolled her eyes, but her smile kept dancing on her lips.

"Thank you, deeply" Jisung genuinely said, and the two kids actually looked proud for a moment. 

"No problem!" Niki said, eyes shining brightly

"You two should become doctors" Jisung said, smiling at the kids

"If it pays well, I'll think about it" Jiwo responded with a shrug

"Anyway, should we bring you to the hospital, now?"

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