Chapter 14

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And finally, Chan had a plan and a mission for Jisung's first intervention. More or less.

He decided to start with something light, also because he needed to do a little experiment. He needed to test Jisung, and understand if he can do well in a group intervention or not. It was necessary for the rest of their goals to be nailed.

First of all, he started by calling Jisung in his office, to discuss his plan. He needed Jisung's list and a few of his knowledge on the organization he wanted to dismantle. They worked on the informations for a few hours, before Chan decided to close himself to finalize his plan alone.

He ended up calling all of them in the meeting room, and immediately he realized how light the relationships had become between his members and Jisung. At least, for most of them. Minho being excluded, not that it actually surprised Chan.

He saw Jisung and Jeongin snickering on their side, as Jisung seemed to be acting excited and funnily, which somehow warmed his heart.

Chan started by calling Jisung to his side and showed him a few things he had written on his paper, as Jisung nodded throughout the whole thing, and they stopped their little conversation as the others got silenced, intrigued by their talk. Jisung got back to his place, and the meeting could finally start.

Minho couldn't help thinking it was highly suspicious of them, but decided to stay silent for a moment.

"So, this is Mr. Kim" Chan started his talk as he showed a picture of the man "Kim has connexion with a certain Jeongho, and the mission is to found as much informations on his datas about that man" He explained "We don't have pictures of him, all we know is that Jisung is able to identify him" He added as Jisung nodded.

"This mission will concern Jisung, as he could identify him in case of any problem, Felix, who will be able to enter the offices, and Minho, who will provide security along with Jisung" Chan said, knowing oh too well that Minho doesn't really want to work with Jisung "There is an event tomorrow, which take place in Mr Kim's building. Jeongin will get you invitations, and you'll go there, acting as business partners from his company. When you think it's the perfect time for it, you three will start wandering in the offices and find Kim's office. Felix will lead, find his computer and put it on Seungmin's tracker, so we can download the laptop's data immediately to Jeongin. Minho and Jisung will watch him out from afar, not too far obviously, and make sure that our spy is safe and sound in those walls"

Minho clicked his tongue, but didn't protest any further. All of his friends were already backing Jisung enough, he didn't need more defiance.

"Why Mr. Kim?" Minho asked, narrowing his eyes at Chan.

He knew Chan had made him pair with Jisung on purpose. He could have chosen Changbin or Hyunjin, but no. He wanted him to bond with the newbie.

"He's known to be linked with the man we are searching for" Chan responded, staying vague.

"Is Jeongho the one we're actually searching for?" Seungmin asked

"Exactly" Chan responded with a fierce nod

"Can we know why?" Changbin asked curiously

"I've been on his back for some time now" Chan explained, as he showed them a recap of the criminal's accusations "He's basically a mafia leader, or something like that. He has been involved in multiple shitty events, such as drug dealing and human trafficking" He said, looking at the sheet with disgust

"Oh, wow, that's a rotten one" Jeongin stated, frowning


"And why is Jisung joining in for that?" Minho asked, now full on glaring daggers at the younger.

"We both have a common goal: eliminate him" Jisung simply responded

"But I do think that we should destroy his whole organization from the inside before killing him" Chan corrected, and Jisung nodded.

"As always" Minho responded, rolling his eyes.

"You three will leave for the event tomorrow night. I'll expect from Felix to get inside his office and take as much information as he can, so we can send them to Jeongin. I repeat it, Minho and Jisung will not follow him there and will wait for him to come out of the office." Chan insisted

"Can we communicate?" Jisung asked curiously

Never had he ever done a mission in collaboration. Taking care of others was really different from making sure to leave a building enough to get home by himself.

"Yep. You'll have in-ears. You can talk with Felix but not with us, but Jeongin will hack their cameras so we can intervene in any case. But I trust Minho enough for that scenario to go well" Chan said, as Minho sighed silently.

It's not like Chan had just pressured Minho... Not at all.

"What if Felix gets attacked?" Jisung asked

"You and Minho have the mission to evacuate Felix. He knows how to fight, but I trust you two more when it comes to fight. I want the boy with no harm, so you have all the rights to kill anyone that is a threat. If you have to explode the building to make sure you're all alright, then do it, I don't really care. But I'll prefer discretion" Chan explained, and Jisung nodded

"Should I wear my hood?"

"Why would you?" Minho asked with a scoff

"I don't know... Just asking" Jisung responded with a roll of his eyes

"It's better without. You'll wear a mask if things go wrong to protect your identity, but your hood will make things a bit too suspicious" Chan explained


"Then, is everyone ready?" Chan asked, as they all responded yes, standing up and getting ready.

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