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꧁A Birthday To Remember꧂

⪻Izumi's POV⪼

After 4 days of traveling we finally arrived at the Emerald Kingdom. We flew over the tall wall and even I looked down at the Kingdom. It was at least 5 times the size of our Kingdom and our Kingdom is the second largest only coming in behind the Sapphire Kingdom. Their is so many villages. At the loud flapping of the dragon's wings the people in the villages looked up. I could see many of them waving.

We kept flying though. I then looked up and their in front of us stood a massive castle. I gasped. "Yeah you're castle is quite small comparted to ours." Tenya told me. I just nodded. I couldn't disagree their castle is way way larger than ours. After a little bit the dragons finally landed on what looked like platforms made specifically for the dragons.

We got off and Kira came over. "This Kingdom is huge." She said. I nodded. "Come on girls let's go find Izuku." Tsu said. We just followed behind her. We entered into the castle and the castle seemed even more magnificent now. I couldn't stop looking around. Kira had to stop me from walking into a wall at one point. Suddenly we came to a set of double doors with complex designs carved into the wood.

Tsu knocked. A few seconds later a voice spoke saying to come in. It was muffled due to the door. Tsu opened the door and we walked in. There was Mama holding a little baby boy. Me and Kira both ran over. "Mama what happened to your hair?" Kira asked. "I cut it sweetie. I wanted to change it up." He explained. "Oh well I like it." Kira said softly.

"Thank you sweetie. Oh Izumi your hair has gotten longer." He pointed out. "Um Mama can we get my hair cut?" I asked. "Sure sweetie how short do you want it? I haven't ever been around when you got it cut so I don't know what you usually get." Mama said. "Mama I don't like what I usually get, I want to get an undercut." I said quietly. "Alright then we will get that." He said with a smile.

I smiled back hugging him tighter. Mama is the best. She loves us for us and supports us in whatever we do. It was the year after Mama left the first time when I started disliking girly clothes. I never said anything to dad about it because I didn't know if he would let me dress in boy clothes. But When Mama came back she let me dress in what I wanted.

⪻No One POV⪼

It took a couple days for Izumi and Kira to adjust to being in the Emerald Kingdom. If she was being honest Kira wanted to stay there. She loves her dad but they have all sorts of creatures here and she gets to see her Mama. She just likes her Mama better she can't help it. It might also have to due with the fact that on September 5th she presented as a Feral Omega.

Her Mama had a long conversation with her about everything. She was especially clinging to Izuku the next couple days. Izumi presented as an alpha the same day. Izuku had a small talk with her but was sure Katsuki would have a longer talk with her about it.

The day after their birthday Kira went to her dam to talk. "Mama?" She asked. "Yes sweetie?" Izuku asked tucking in Malaki. "Can we talk?" She asked. "Sure sweetie just give me a minute." Izuku said finishing tucking in Malaki.

Izuku then took Kira to the library where no one else really comes. Izuku sat down in one of the fluffy chairs and Kira sat down across from him. "Mama why did you leave without saying goodbye?" Kira asked. "Me and your dad got into a fight and I just wanted to leave I never wanted to leave without a goodbye but I had to." Izuku told her. "Mama why did you and dad fight about?" Kira asked.

"Your dad didn't want me to come back here he wanted me to stay there but I had to come back here and he didn't like that so he said some things that pissed me off." Izuku told her. "Mama I don't think dad meant the things he said to you, after you left he wouldn't come out of your room for days and once he did he didn't look good. He looked really tired and he looked like he had been crying for days. Mama he's still not the same. Both me and Izumi can tell by his scent."  Kira told him.

Izuku just sat their thinking. If Katsuki really was didn't mean the things he said then Izuku at least wanted to see him again. He missed Katsuki more than he wanted to admit. "I'm going to send your dad a letter." Izuku said after a little bit. "Okay." Kira said with a small smile. Izuku then got up and hugged Kira. Izuku then picked up Kira. She giggled and clung to him.

"Let's go find your sister." Izuku said with a smile. Kira just nodded. They found her and then Izuku decided today would be the day she got her haircut. Izuku gave Izumi and piggy back while holding Kira in his arms. Despite the way he looks with his feminine curves and skinny look he is surprisingly strong.

The girls laughed the entire way their. Izuku walked in and the hairdresser looked over at him. "Izuku I swear if y-." She stopped when she saw the girls. "Hello to you too Mei." Izuku said sweetly but he had a smirk on his face. "Well girls this is my hairdresser she's the one who cut my hair." Izuku said. "Hello my name is Mei. I sure have heard a bit about you two. Your dam sure talks a lot when I'm doing his hair." Mei said kindly but looked up at Izuku at the last part. "Now who's hair am I doing today?" Mei asked.


✦1061 words✦

♥What do you think Iida's second gender is? (It isn't said at all in this story so their isn't a correct answer. It's just what you think he would be:))♥


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