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꧁A Great Birthday꧂

⪻No One POV⪼

A green Qingniao took off from the wall of the Emerald Kingdom. It's destination the Ruby Kingdom. A letter in it's beak. The letter was addressed to Izumi and Kira. It was to only be read by the two until they made their decision. Izuku had wrote the letter hoping the girls would except. Izuku paced around the castle his little baby boy in his arms. Malaki squirmed in his dams arms.

Malaki was about two months old. He was a bright boy though. He could never stay still. Izuku loved his son dearly. Malaki looked exactly like Izuku. If Inko would have seen him she would say that he was a baby Izuku. Malaki hated being out of his dams arms though. He cried if anyone else picked him up when he was awake.

The Kingdom loved Malaki. They adored the adorable baby boy their Queen gave birth to. The Kingdom was thriving. It made Izuku so happy. His Kingdom was happy, well and thriving all because of him, he of course refused to take all responsibility for it. He insisted that he had help of many and it only worked because of the Kingdom's support.

Before Malaki's birth Izuku loved spending time with the Kingdom kids. In January he set up a day every month were anyone from any of the villages could drop of their kids and Izuku would spend time playing, and taking care of them. He had to pause this for the first couple months after he gave birth though.

He smiled at Malaki before throwing him up in the air and catching him. Unlike the twins Malaki was already the size of a normal 4 month old baby. He grew fast. The baby giggled as his dam caught him. Izuku then brought him to his chest and started humming. Malaki opened his arms attempting to give his dam a hug. It didn't really work though because he was still only a baby.

After a little while the baby in Izuku's arms fell asleep. Izuku set the baby down in his crib before laying down and almost instantly falling asleep. One of the people Izuku had made friends with had been slightly taking over while Izuku was resting up from birth and taking care of his newborn. That person was Tenya Iida. He was the top of the guards and when Izuku asked him to help him he almost immediately excepted. Izuku and Tenya had grown quite close when Izuku was training everyone and Izuku knew Tenya would be good for the job and would except it immediately.

Izuku was right. Tenya wasn't nearly as good of a leader as Izuku but as just a stand in he did a pretty good job. The Qingniao was slowly flying to the Ruby Kingdom. The scroll in it's beak going to announce great news.

A week later the Qingniao arrived at the Ruby castle. It landed and Eijiro's attention was immediately on the bird. He recognized it as the same species of bird as the last time the Emerald Kingdom sent a scroll. His exitment grew when the bird dropped the scroll at his feet. He looked at it. It was addressed to Izumi and Kira and those two only. He quickly walked inside and too the girls room. He knocked before opening the door. Kira looked up from her book and Izumi was practicing punching on a dummy.

"Girls you have a scroll from the Emerald Kingdom." Eijiro said. Kira was immediately on her feet and snatched the scroll. She opened it up and started reading it in her head.

Dear Izumi and Kira

This is your dam. I just want to say I miss you both. I miss my daughters. I am sorry I left without saying goodbye. I'm not sure if anyone told you but I was pregnant when I left meaning you two were going to be big sisters.

Your little brother was born two months ago on April 6th. I am inviting you two girls as a birthday present to come visit me in the Emerald Kingdom. You will get to meet your little brother and see what my Kingdom is all about. It would be for a month before I send you guys back. I would say you can stay here but I'm sure both of you would prefer to stay there where you have friends and most of your family.

I would like you to make your decision before you show this scroll to anyone. The Qingniao will wait to come back until you give a response. I will need you to respond by the week before August ends if you want to make here in time for your birthday. After you make your decision show this letter to everyone. They are not allowed to not let you come if you want to come and they are not allowed to force you if you don't. Remember girls I will always love you.

Love your dam.

Kira quickly finished reading it and handed it to Izumi to read. "Uncle Eijiro can you leave this is kinda a private matter me and Kir need to discuss?" Izumi asked. He nodded before leaving the room and closing the door. They then turned to each other. "I want to go." They said at the same time. "I will write the letter." Kira volunteered. "Okay. I am going to go show this letter to dad and tell him our decision." Izumi said before leaving the room.

Dear Mama

This is Kira writing, me and Izumi have agreed that we would both like to come. I personally think this is the best course of action anyway. For the past couple of months I have been showing signs of showing as an omega. I can admit that I am slightly scared to show. I know no one would ever hurt me but I would much rather be around my dam when I show. Izumi and I would both love to meet our little brother. We have both missed you greatly ever since you left. When we do arrive Mama I would like to talk to you about something though. I love you Mama.

Love Kira and Izumi.

The letter Kira wrote was short and sweet. She had just finished writing it when Izumi walked back in. "Dad is kinda upset that Mama isn't letting anyone but us come." Izumi said as she sat down beside Kira. "Anyways how's the letter going?" Izumi asked. "Finished here you can read it." Kira said handing her the letter. Izumi scanned over. "What do you need to talk to Mama about?" Izumi asked.



✦1142 words✦

♥Kira is showing clear signs of showing as an omega, what do you think Izumi will show as?♥


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