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꧁A Battle Against Instincts꧂

⪻Izuku's POV⪼

I clutched Karma's horns as she took off. Sobs raked me chest as I clung to her. My omega was whimpering to stop and turn back but I can't. He just wants me because I'm an omega.

I'm sorry Kira and Izumi. I would take you with me but I can't stay here any longer. Ali was in my jacket. I wiped my tears as I usered Karma to go faster. It was only morning but I wanted to get there as soon as I could. My instincts were screaming at me to turn around. That I was going to kill myself if I didn't. I just shut them off from my brain.

Trees flew by. Karma was going her fastest. At this rate we would get there in two days instead of three. Tears still flew down my cheeks but I didn't pay any attention to them. My mind was on one thing. I need to go to my Kingdom. My real home. We spent the two days in the air. We didn't stop. I didn't sleep. I couldn't. When we finally arrived at the castle I dismounted Karma and immediately went in.

I collapsed onto my bed and fell asleep. My sleep was plagued by nightmares but it was better than no sleep at all. I woke up in the morning and immediately started doing my duties. The Kingdom was slowly falling apart. If I hadn't found the Kingdom when I did they would have surely died within the last year. They didn't know how to fight or hunt and the walls around the Kingdom were slowly crumbling.

I first couple days sucked. I couldn't connect with my omega at all because it was just begging me to go back to our mate. I was fighting with it every day to contain it. I shut it out for good one afternoon after I connected with it just to make sure my baby was still okay.

"Omega is my baby okay?" I asked. "Yes he is fine, but can we please go back to our alpha and be a good omega?" My omega asked. Rage filled me. I severed our connection and shut him out for good. I then grabbed my sword and called Karma. She flew me out to the beast forest and I went rogue. Karma flew away before I could harm her.

I'm not sure how long I spent in the forest rogue. All I know is I somehow woke up in my bed the next morning. I've gone rogue once before. It was when I was ten. I had just showed that I was an omega and that was the day the bullying started. Apparently I had gone rogue in my sleep and I kept changing back and forth between my human and largest wolf form.

It scared my dam greatly because she thought there was something wrong with me. She called a doctor and when the doctor arrived she walked over to me and woke me up. Apparently I stared at her for a minute not moving before I transformed into my wolf form and ripped her head clean off her shoulders.

My dam ran out of the room and locked it. I ended up staying rogue for hours and destroyed my room. I haven't gone rogue since well until that day. My hand slowly got firmer. I know have the mindset of a Queen. I rule like one also. I've been gone a couple months now and the baby is due in a couple months. After I went rogue he stopped causing me pain.

I know I didn't kill him though because I still very much have my pregnancy cravings. Time was moving along slowly. It is now December and we have just had our first snowfall. Back in the Ruby Kingdom we never really got snow. It get's slightly colder but not cold enough for snow. None of the other Kingdoms do, but in December, January, and February the Emerald Kingdom gets a ton of snow.

I got up and got dressed. I put on tan pants, a blood red shirt, a black vest and grabbed my dark green cloak. I pinned it around my shoulders and put on my black boots. I then walked out greeting everyone as I walked out of the castle to the village. I told the head of each village that at noon to get each of their villages to castle grounds. I finished telling all of the heads of the villages and walked back to the castle.

At noon I walked out to see everyone at the castle grounds. Kids played with the fast growing layer of snow on the ground and the women and men were chatting. I got everyone's attention by giving out a loud whistle. Everyone got quiet and turned to me. I gave a smile. "Hello everyone, thank you for gathering here today, I have gathered you here to tell you all that the castle grounds are open today and later this evening I will be holding a feast in celebration of our first snowball!" I announced happily. After a couple seconds cheers erupted from everyone.

I smiled as everyone started to walk around. I went down and went to where a saw a group of kids playing. I looked around. I saw a couple women looking over the kids. I continued to walk around until I stumbled across a very much pregnant woman trying to separate two fighting children. I walked over.

I bent down to the kids. "Hey guys." I said to them. They looked over at me before going back to their fighting. I looked up at the woman. She looked on the verge of tears. I quickly looked back at the kids. I gently grabbed each of their wrists. They both looked at me surprised. "Can you guys tell me why you are fighting?" I asked kindly but firmly. "He started it! I told him not to throw a snowball at me but he did anyway!" The girl yelled. I then looked over at the boy. "I was having a snowball fight with my friends and she just walked in front of me!" The boy yelled. I sighed quietly.

"Here how about you apologize to her for throwing a snowball at her and you apologize for walking in front of him while he was playing with his friends." I suggested. They both nodded. The boy apologized for throwing a snow ball at the girl and the girl apologized for walking in front of the boy while he was playing with his friends. They then ran off to build a snowman. I then stood up and looked at the woman.

"Thank you so much majesty." The woman thanked. "It's no problem. I can tell you are expecting and I just wanted to help." I said kindly. "Well thank you." The woman said her cheeks turning slightly red.


✦1181 words✦

♥Do you fight with your siblings a lot? (If you have siblings)♥


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