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꧁You Really Are Gone꧂

⪻Katsuki's POV⪼

It has now been two years. I've just excepted that Izuku's gone. He would have come back by now. I got no sleep last night and at the crack of dawn I got up. I went into the girls room and sat down. I watched the girls go from 6 to 7 and then from 7 to 8. They have grown.

Kira is shy and prefers not to talk to people she doesn't know well. She loves animals though. She will go out durning the day and just sit near the edge of the forest. I've watched as she befriends the animals. She loves them. She know had a pet cat that roams around the castle. It sleeps next to her feet every night.

Izumi on the other is out going and loves to talk to everyone. I took her into the village once and she quickly befriended a ton of the kids at the elementary school. She already has a small group of friends. I now take her out to the village at least once a week to go see her friends. Izumi gets along so well with everyone. It's amazing to watch.

Despite being polar opposites the girls still love each other greatly. They spend time together and never once have I seen them fight. They may get into disagreements but they quickly resolve them without anyone doing anything at all. Oh how they've grown. Kira prefers her hair long and has the maids put her hair up into complex designs she often reads while they do her hair.

Izumi on the other hand. Once her hair started getting longer she came to me and asked me to get it cut. Izumi hates it if her hair gets past her shoulders. She has learned how to do hair though and has done Kira's many times. The girls have grown into their own people now.

Kira loves spicy food and surprisingly Izumi hates it. Izumi loves sweets while Kira doesn't. Life is going to fast. Denki announced last month that he is pregnant. Kira and Izumi can't wait to meet their little cousin. After almost an hour Kira woke up. She looked over at me and smiled. She got up and walked over.

"Good morning sweet pea." I said gently. She hugged me. "Good morning." She said softly. "Dad?" She asked. "What?" I asked back. "Is Mama ever coming back?" She asked quietly. "I... I don't think so sweetie. He would have come back by now." I said said quietly. Her grip on me tightened.

"Dad why did Mama have to leave?!" She said as she started crying. I hugged her tightly. "I'm not sure sweetie, I'm not sure." I told her. After a little bit her sobs lessened and I picked her up and set her in my lap. She clung to me and I softly started scenting her. She softly leaned into my touch.

I learned over the past two years that Kira is a Daddy's girl. She loves to spend time with me and snuggle up with me. I just wish Izuku had waited till they were a bit older to leave at least. I feel like with out that mother figure in their life right now they have grown up faster than they should have.

After a little bit I heard Izumi get up. She walked over. "Dad why has Kira been crying?" She asked. "Izumi, I don't think Mama is coming back." I told her gently. "Why not!" She shouted. "Mama's strong! He was training before he left. He trained every day. Mama is strong. Mama will come back." She yelled at first but slowly got quieter. "Izumi it's been two years. I know you want to believe that but he should have come back by now." I said to her. "MAMA WILL COME BACK!" She screamed before running out of the room.

I wanted to go after he but Kira was still on my lap. She was somehow still asleep. I sighed. I hugged Kira tightly. A couple hours passed before Kira woke up. She got up and went into their closet to get changed. I told her I was leaving and walked out of the room.

I ran my hand over my face. I didn't mean to anger Izumi I was just trying to tell her that Izuku is most likely dead now and not coming back. I slowly made my way back to my room. I went in and laid down. Memories started to fill my mind. All of the happy and sad memories I've had with Izuku.

I miss him so much. Before I knew it I was sobbing. I slid to the floor and buried my face in my knees. I don't know how long I sat their sobbing. All of a sudden a loud knock alerted me. I ignored it. "Katsuki get you ass out here. Your daughters are crying and locked themselves in their room!" My mom yelled. I groaned. I love them but I just can't take this today. I walked over to the door and unlocked it. I slammed it open and started making my way to the girls room.

"Katsuki!" My mom started to yell but stopped when I glared back at her. She looked at me shocked. I got to the girls room and knocked. I could hear the quiet crying of the girls. I got no response. "Girls let me in please." I said softly. No response. I couldn't take this anymore. Stress and emotions were destroying me. I slid down the wall and sat there. After a little bit I started to silently cry. After so long I fell asleep. I woke up to someone tapping me. I looked it up. It was Mina.

"Holy shit- Kat what happened?" She asked. "It's been two years, stress they were both crying. I just can't..." I trailed off. Mina engulfed me in a hug. She then let go off me and knocked on the door. "Izumi, Kira unlock this door now." She commanded. After about a minute I heard the door open. Mins hugged the both of them.

"Girls what's wrong?" She asked. "I want Mama!" Izumi cried out before starting to cry. Kira must of nodded because I didn't hear her say anything. "I know you girls are upset but can you please give you dad a hug. He really needs it right now." Mina told them. The both must have looked over at me because after a couple seconds a crying Kira hugged me. After a little but I felt Izumi's arms around me also.

I the extended my legs and pulled Izumi and Kira into my lep. I wrapped my arms around them and started crying again. They hugged me while crying. For the first time in a long time Kira and Izumi slept in my bed that night. I woke up the next morning to a knock on the door. I got up and opened the door. "Kat you have a scroll." Ei said handing me a scroll.


✦1203 words✦

♥Who do you think the scroll is from and what does it say?♥


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