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꧁A Mother Daughter Day Pt. 2꧂

⪻No One POV⪼

After they finished breakfast Izuku took Izumi and Kira's hands and lead them out of the castle. They walked down to the village school yard. It was a Saturday so there was no school but most of the kids hang out at the school yard even when they don't have school.

Once they got in sight of the school yard Izumi let go of Izuku's hand and started running. She got there and jumped on the back of a girl with blonde hair. Her hair was long and curly. She seemed to be older than Izumi. "Hello Izumi."  The girl said as she grabbed Izumi's legs to keep her from falling. "Lina guess what!" Izumi said happily. "What?" Lina asked.

"My Mama brought me today!" Izumi said excitedly. "He's back?" Lina asked. Izumi nodded. Izuku then walked over. "Hello." Izuku said kindly. "Oh um hello." Lina said shyly. "Silly don't be shy my Mama is the nicest person ever." Izumi said lightly hitting Lina on the shoulder. Lina just smiled.

Izuku then sat down on one of the benches that were scattered around. Kira kept looking around and after a little bit she let go of Izuku's hand ran off. Izuku watched as she ran over to a flower field and sat down gently plucking flowers and started doing something with then. Izuku smiled at the sight. Izuku's attention was snapped back to Izumi when Izumi let out a shriek.

She had been running around Lina when suddenly Lina grabbed her and picked her up turning her upside down. That's when Izumi let out the shriek. Lina dropped her and Izumi rolled out of it. She watched the two mess around for a while. After about an hour Izumi had gotten tired of running around and went over to Lina and hugged her. Lina hugged her back and went over to the bench sitting down.

She set Izumi beside her and Izumi rested her head on Lina's shoulder. Lina then turned to Izuku. "I don't think I properly introduced myself." Lina said to Izuku. "No I don't think you did." Izuku said with a small laugh. Lina felt all her uncomfortableness wash away at the laugh that came from the male omega. "Well my name's Lina Solis. I'm 12 and an alpha. I am the oldest. I have a younger brother and a younger sister." Lina said to him.

"You are the oldest here I assume?" Izuku asked. Lina nodded. "I go to the middle school but I come here often to bring my younger siblings and to help my mother with the children." Lina explained. "How did you meet Izumi?" Izuku asked. "Well about a year and a half ago Prince Katsuki brought Kira and Izumi here for the first time-Izumi if you fall asleep on me you are going to fall off the bench-and Izumi had made friends with almost all of the kids. They had been playing when one of the older kids ran over telling me Izumi had fallen and was crying. I went over and saw she was sitting on the ground crying because she had scraped her knees. I picked her up and got her some patches and she just kinda clung to me the rest of the day. We've been friends ever since." Lina said, at one point to warn Izumi that she would fall of the bench if she fell asleep. Sure enough just as Lina finished her small story Izumi fell off the bench. Izumi yelped as she collided with the ground.

She then laid down and started laughing. "I told you you were going to fall." Lina said chuckling. "Lina is Sasha coming later?" Izumi asked after she got up from off the ground. "Yeah my mother is bringing her and Aubree after lunch." Lina told her. "Yay!" Izumi said happily. Kira then walked over holding something in her hands. "Mama?" Kira asked quietly.

"What's up sweetie?" Izuku asked turning to her. "I just wanted to give this to you. " Kira said handing Izuku and flower crown. "Oh thank you Kira this is beautiful." Izuku said sweetly. "I'm glad you like it Mama." Kira said a wide smile on her lips.

Kira then walked off again. She first looked over at Izumi and Lina. She mumbled something and walked off. Almost an hour she came back and held out to matching flower crowns to Izumi and Lina. They both took them thanking her for them. Kira gave them a soft smile before going over to the set of swings that were by the tree line and started swinging while humming.

Izuku watched happily that even if Kira didn't have friends she still seemed to be enjoying her time. Izuku's attention was drawn back to Izumi and Lina when Izumi asked to sword fight. They played many rounds Izumi winning some Lina winning some. After a couple more hours of them all playing a woman arrived with two bubbling 6 year old girls. The blonde one immediately let go of the woman's hand and ran over to Lina hugging her legs.

Lina picked up the small girl and twirled her around. "Guess who's here to see you Sasha." Lina told her. "Who?!" Sasha yelled out in excitement. Lina then set her down and pointed at Izumi. Sasha eyes lit up and she ran over to Izumi and hugged her tightly. "Sasha!" Izumi said happily. "Zumi!" Sasha yelled and jumped up and down.

The woman then came and sat down next to Izuku. "Hello Miss." Izuku greeted kindly. "Hello." The woman said giving Izuku a small bow. "No need for that miss." Izuku said softly. "Princess Izuku I must say Izumi and Kira are the kindest, most sweet girls I have ever met, you and Prince Katsuki did an amazing job at raising them."


✦1006 words✦

♥What do you think is going to happen when Izuku has to go back to the Emerald Kingdom?♥


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