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꧁A Red Head And A Blonde꧂

⪻Izuku's POV⪼

As soon as I collapsed I fell asleep. I awoke after a little while and I got up. I made quick work of examining the area. I then let my omega take control. Hours later and it was dark. I took back control and saw my omega had made a small hut and gathered food and wood for a fire.

I started up the fire and started cooking the food. I finished and started eating it. It was quite good. I finished and went into the hut. The fire was close enough that the hut was heated. I buried myself in the giant leaves my omega had found. I fell asleep soundly that night.

It was a peaceful sleep. The next day I got up and cooked a small rabbit for breakfast. It was good. I then reached out to my omega. "Can you teach me how to hunt and survive in these woods?"I asked. "Sure."  He responded. "First lesson is how to make a bow. I can just hunt with my teeth and claws but you're going to need a bow to hunt." He said.

So then my lesson started. I learned how to make a bow and how to hunt with it. I learned how to recognize plants and how to build. I was thriving in the woods. I was now 7 months pregnant. I woke up one morning and heard something rustling. I grabbed my bow and a couple arrows. I aimed towards the sound.

I couldn't see anything yet but as soon as I did I was ready to shoot. I then started to hear talking. I pulled back harder on the string of my bow. If this was anyone from the Todoroki family I was ready to kill them.

All of a sudden I saw a bush of red hair. A boy with bright red hair appeared. A blonde appeared behind him. I had my satchel of arrows ready and I was ready to shoot them. "What do you want?" I snarled. Both of their heads snapped to me. "Wow dude put the bow down we aren't going to hurt you unless you try to hurt us." The red head said.

"I could kill the both of you right now if I wanted to. What do you want and why are you here?" I snarled. "Chill we were just out hunting and didn't realize you were here." The red head said. I inhaled. They were both alphas. I was about to lower my bow but when I figured out they were both alphas I stopped. "Get away from me before I kill you." I snapped.

The red head took a step forward. I growled and shot my arrow. It missed his head by millimeters. Within seconds I had another arrow up ready to shoot. "Do not test me I missed on purpose." I snarled. He took a step back. "Seriously why are we staying here let's go Ei." The blonde said angrily.

"No I want to make sure this guy's okay." The red head spoke in a whisper but because of my heightened senses I still caught it. "I am fine." I snapped. "Wha- you heard me?" The red head asked. "Of course. Living in the woods does that to you." I sassed. His looked shocked.

"How long have you been living here?" The red head asked. I then heard something. I made a motion for them to be quiet. I turned my back to them. If my senses were right this was more threatening then them at the moment.

Just as I suspected a huge grizzly bear walked out into the clearing. It's gaze landed on me and before it could move I shot it directly in the heart. It still lunged for me so I moved and it crashed to the ground and within seconds died. I then turned back around and the two boys stared at me in shock.

"How did you know that was coming? How did you shoot it that well. How did you move that fast?" The red head said blurting out questions. "Training." I replied shortly. "Training with who?" The blonde asked. "Myself." I answered. "Why are you out here?" The red head asked.

"Ran away." I replied. "Ran away from who?" The blonde asked. "The prince of the Sapphire Kingdom." I replied with venom in my voice. "What did you do to get that half-n-half on your bad side?" The blonde asked. "More like he got on my bad side." I mumbled. "How did he get on your bad side?" The red head asked.

"Hey wanted me to mate with him." I said before growling at the memory. "Wait your an omega?!" The red head said surprised. "Yeah, you got a problem with that because I will not hesitate to kill you." I snarled. "No not at all I just wasn't expecting that." The red head said quickly. I growled slightly.

"You can leave me alone now." I snapped. "Just come back with us Omega it's safer than being out in these woods alone." The blonde snapped. I snapped I lunged for him and within seconds had him pinned to the ground my hand over his throat. My fangs were elongated and dripping venom.

He growled from underneath me and tried releasing pheromones but my hand was blocking his scent glands. "You have no effect on me alpha." I snarled. He flinched back. The red head then lunged for me. I immediately lengthened my claws and swiped across his chest. I cut him and threw him against a tree. He slumped to the ground clutching his chest.

"I am not just some stupid omega you can just take advantage of!" I growled. I swiped my hand across his face cutting right below his eye. It immediately started bleeding. "Let this be a lesson." I said before springing off of him.

He got up and backed away. "I wasn't going to do anything to you." He said softly. "Tell that to the alphas who have raped me." I snarled. by now the red head had gotten up. They both gasped. I could see the gears turning in the blonde's head and the red head just looked concerned.

"I don't understand how alphas do that, no one should ever just take advantage of someone else just because they are stronger." The red head. "Well you haven't seen how fucked up society is then." I snapped. "Calm down neither of us are going to do anything to harm you or your baby." The blonde spoke.

I visibly calmed at that. They won't hurt my babies. "W-wait you're pregnant!" The red head exclaimed surprised. I just nodded. I then collapsed to the ground and hugged my knees. I started sobbing.

The blonde walked over. The red head looked like he was about to run over but the blonde stopped him. "I'm not going to hurt you or your baby." The blonde reassured before hugging me. He started releasing calming pheromones.


✦1193 words✦

♥Why do you think Izuku started sobbing?♥


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