Chapter 69

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6 months have passed since the dicaperance of Cale henetuse and his body guard/ lover

But many things have changed in that six months

A new hero was born.

He was a force of nature strong yet docile. But said hero always kept his distance from the people

But he always gave information to the crown prints as well as the original heroes

There was just never any physical contact. All they would receive is a letter with instructions of what to do or how to better the Roan Kingdom security

But the rise of a new hero wasn't the only thing that happened the past six months

As a new guild was created in the last 6 months consisting of mages, worriers, and all types of beast men

They worked as something similarly to a strike team

They assisted the new hero and all he needed

But never took orders from neither the royal family or any other nobility that tried to get their services

This guild was technically not in any kingdom

As this guild was created on a neutral peace of land owned by a mysterious man

Thus neither the royal family nor the nobles could afford to offend them. Due to their lack of knowledge on the ownership of the land they were unaware of how to make the owner bend to their wishes

There was also the fact that this guild had ties to the new hero

Meaning one wrong move from the nobility could lead to the hero, no longer giving his services

In a way the hero became the Roan Kingdoms unofficial commander

The hero had made the nobles create a naval base at the northern coast

As well as helped with the war that happened at sea stopping the arms attack and ultimately ending the war between the whales and the mermaids

Due to that the whale beastman also joined the guild

This mysterious guild had many names

Some called it, the multi race guild

Others called the shadow guild

But Little, do they know?

The guild name was actually the Crimson star

Even though the Crimson star guild was helping in the war of efforts

It was all about money

And that caused fear among the people of the Roan Kingdom

As any and all information they were able to buy from the crimson star Guild cost a pretty penny

And the people as they worried that if someone could buy out the information before them the Crimson star guild would give the information

As it was obvious, the information came to the highest bidder

There were so many other factors involved that the notion was in turmoil

Though they were thankful for the help from the hero

It also worried them how the hero was aware of all of their enemies attacks

There was also the biggest factor that the hero refused to speak to the royal family so the royal family had no actual physical connection to the new hero

No matter how many times they try to reward the hero

Nothing came of it as the hero refused to come

And the kingdom cannot order him to come

No one was able to make physical contact with the hero until the war on the Henituse Territory

As wyvern filled the sky

A shield hung around the Henituse Territory

And the hero made a single promise

" The shield will not break"


The battle was over in a single night as the Crimson star guild had assisted in the battle

And due to those efforts the Henituse Territory was saved without a single casualty

And on top of that they gained a key prisoner of war

Clopeh Sekka also known as the guardian night he was the one controlling the wyvern meaning he had direct contact with arm

He was captured immediately and placed in a holding cell to be interrogated and tortured

But that was the day when everyone realized that the new hero was actually two people

There were two people in the same black outfit One was slim while the other was more muscle But both held auras that demand respect.

Now it made sense why everyone said that the hero had a different appearances there were two people

As soon as the crown prince found out that the hero would be present at the Henituse territory, he teleported there as soon as possible

As this may be the royal family's only chance to get to talk to the hero's

Due to that the first encounter with the royal family and the two new heroes



I'm so sorry for the lack of updates in the last couple of months but i'm not sure if I can continue this book or not as there's so much. I want to do with this book but I don't think I should make it any longer.

As well as I was have writer's block so I finally found some motivation

Thank you for reading this chapter and please comment your ideas for other chapters

Thank you for reading


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