Chapter 66

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" ahhhhhhhhh" a voice screamed voice full of terror and fear

" what the fuck is going on why is this forest so big"Rok Soo screamed curseing the forest of darkness he had went to the forest so he could retrieve the dominating aura

He couldn't stand the forest and wanted to leave as soon as possible but he needed to retrieve the ancient power or that last 2 days would have been a waste of time

That's when he landed in front of a muddy pond and he started to smirk he had finally got to were he wanted to be

" this is going to be fun" Rok Soo Smirked


"I can't feel my legs" On groined

"This is torture" Hong screamed tiered

" I'm dying" Hwan cried out

"Help me" Roan grounded as he plopped onto the ground refusing to move

Cale looked unimpressed he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms upset at the way they are acting he didn't understand and said
" come on get up we are only in our warm up faze"

The children were horrified mortified even

They thought back to the last 2 days

Getting chased by giant monsters

Having to climb up a mountain

Fighting random animals

Having to swim away from sharks and they were confused of why there were sharks in a river/ pond

On top of that a lake of rest and this was warm up

They all started to cry

"Oh come on if it was my Master or Ron training you then you would have a good reason to cry. SadlyRon couldn't come along due to having to go on a hunt" Cale shivers at the thought

All the children looked at each other and thought Ron is definitely killing someone


With Ron and Becrox

"Hmmm I can't believe we are following a tip from the boy that's always with the young master and he claims he knows the location of one of there bases" Ron was skeptical

"We should be still be careful because he warned us about the motion detection system the mages put in place so we have to be extremely cautious" Becrox cautioned his father

That's when he took something from his pocket and blew a little on the ground and sure enough there were magic traps everywhere

They even put on the trees so they couldn't use the trees as a cover

The truth is Ron was shocked as well as amused

"Who would have thought that that brat actually had a led on the organization" Ron scoffed at his he fact that Rok Soo's hint was correct" Ron gave a sly smirk and said
" I'll have to personally thank him when we get back as well as as the ti was correct I'll do him the favor he asked of me" Ron smirked

That's when he motioned to his son so they could start there infuriating mission


Rok Soo felt a shiver down his spine and he felt the hairs at the back of his neck stand

He was terrified for some reason but he didn't like this feeling

But he was happy because he got the power he was looking for and was happy that he found not only dragon corpses but a large amount of dead mana

Now he had a bargaining chip to use with the crown prince

Rok Soo smiled as things were going as planned until he felt a sharp pain in his chest

"What the what is going on" were the last things he said before  he collapsed


" My poor child is suffering" a female voice rang sounding worried

" hmmmm" a male voice sounded

" Don't you hmm me what are you an uchiha he passed out" the woman said as she slapped the man's arm

" he'll be fine he got that pain do to the seal being broken. I knew it would break but not so soon" the man sighed seemingly exhausted

" it must be because he is around the dead mama so it is speeding up the process for the seal to break" the woman added

" hmm sooner or later he will know the truth about the reason he got sucked to this world as well as why they have memories of their " past" lives" the man sounded annoyed

" look dear I know your worried but they will get through it just like all the other times"the man replied with a small smile

" well I hope your right about that"the woman said as she looked unsure


Who's voices are those?

Why does everything hurt ?

And what is this intense pain I'm feeling !

Dang it get is it together Rok Soo this isn't the time or place to be passing out

Rok Soo finally succumb to the darkness and lost all his energy and passed out


Thank you for reading this chapter and please comment your ideas for other chapters

Thank you for reading


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