Chapter 31

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" why the hell would I do that" cale asked confused

" well you see your brother and mother are having a hard time with the relatives and this would really help them"

Cale started laughing he was a fool to think that this was about him and maybe his father was concerned about his well being but of course it's about them

Cale got up and was ready to leave and he grabbed Rok Soo to go with him

That's when Deruth asked
"where are you going"

This " anywhere but here" cale said with a glare

" Cale stop please listen " Deruth yelled after Cale

That's when Cale turned around and said
" no Count Deruth you listen not only did you ruin your own marriage because you decided  you couldn't keep it in your pants long enough to not cheat. As well as not only cheat but form a whole other family either the woman you cheated on my mother with. You prioritize them over me every time. So I have had enough" Cale was trembling from anger

" Cale" Deruth said as if trying to reprimand Cale

" no" Cale was mad

" Cale remember you have to respect me I am your father and you are a a child" Deruth said

"Hahaha ok father if your so mature now than I think it's time you grow up."

Deruth looked confused on what Cale meant

"Admit you did it" Cales voice got louder

"I did no such thing" Deruth argued

" we all knew you did it" Rok Soo said staring straight at the count

" look I understand I made mistakes in the past but I'm better now" Deruth said trying to convince Cale

" and yet you still gaslight me/him up" Cale and Rok Soo said

" Cale look"

" you are such a flame out your only drives left in the bedroom" Cale spat

" I don't deserve this and for your next wife and kids you need to treat them with respect" Cale said as tears streaming down his cheeks

" listen Count Deruth the moment you take that position from me is the moment you lose me as a child" Cale started at Deruth with empty eyes

"Cale wait let's talk" Deruth plead


Now Deruth was alone in the room in shock

Outside Cale was in tears so Rok Soo picked up Cale and started to confront Cale

Rok Soo knew being in the manner wasn't the best idea so he decided to take Cale to there old house knowing it would help him Cale down

But before that


In Kitchen 2

Knock knock

Someone was at the door

" hmm" Ron looked at his son confused

" Becrox were you expecting someone" Ron asked

" no no one that I remember" Becrox started confused

Ron open the door to see Rok Soo with Cale in his arms

Ron was shocked and asked
" what happened to the young master" Ron asked as he grabbed Cale from Rok Soo's arms
shocking Rok Soo

" well he had a fight with his sorry excuse for a father again so I was wondering if I could bring him to our mothers house to calm him down" Rok Soo explained

Ron was puzzled on why Rok Soo was asking his permission but was glad he was told Ron nodded and Rok Soo smiled

" hear" Becrox said hanging something to Rok Soo

It was food both Cale and his favorite foods

" thank you" Rok Soo thanked

That's when Becrox went over to Rok Soo and hugged him Rok Soo was shocked but hugged back

"Hey you don't have to do everything alone you can trust me and father no matter what your only 18 and you just lost your mother 6 months ago so take it slowly" Becrox said patting Rok Soo and holding him close

Rok Soo relaxed and nodded he would never say it out loud but he really trust Ron and Becrox and he considers them family.


Days have passed and there was no development between Cale and his Father

They never even spoke to each other Cale wanted to keep his space

But there were many developments between Rok Soo and Cale they got closer and feeling grew

Rok Soo became overprotective

And Cale became obsessive but also clingy.

Everything was perfect


" wake up young master, Rok Soo it's noon and Simon is downstairs" They both heard Ron's voice

They both jolted awake

Was it all a dream they both thought

But it felt so real.


Thank you for reading this chapter and please comment your ideas for other characters I should add and this chapter was inspired by the song
I've had enough by Melina KB
I was listening to it as I was writing this chapter

If you have any suggestions for songs please give me some I might take inspiration for the chapter

Bye love you all

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