Chapter 46

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Soon the Kings birthday came

The only thing on Rok Soo's mind was

The plaza incident

Rok Soo formulated a few plans

Plan 1: Make up an excuse and get both him and Cale out of the plaza before 9:00

Plan 2: Once the attack happens use a teleportation scroll to get out

Plan 3:Convinces Cale not to go at all

Plane 4:Deal with the plaza incident as he has both the indestructible sheald and magic to protect Cale

Rok Soo shook his head there are to many problems with all the plans

Plan 1 and 2 and suspicious as it would look like they were apart of the attack or was expecting it

Plan 3 Cale would be mad at him for doing nothing while other people die

So plan 4 was his best bet all he had to do is stay inconspicuous so no one would know and he wouldn't be labeled as a hero

He nodded and he already checked and verified the locations of the bombs and are ready to dismantle them

So all Rok Soo could do is wait and see what will happen


Sigh Rok Soo let out a sigh of exhaustion

Cale thought I'm getting the strangest feeling of déjà vu

" are you okay Rok Soo you seem stressed" Cale asked

" I'm fine just thinking about the fact that I have to deal with the Royals today" Rok Soo answered half honestly

The truth is, he was worried about everything that's going to happen in the capital

Cale knew what was going to happen and it worried him a lot but there was no way around it

And just like that the King's birthday begins


click click click

Time 7:30am

One hour and 30 minutes until plaza incident


Rok Soo yawned

Both Cale and Rok Soo had 1 though

It is too fucking early they both sighed

Neither person was a morning person, as well as they had a late night preparing for the bombing that was going to happen on the plaza

They were both nerves but for two completely different reasons

Cale was worried about how many lives my be lost and how many people might be injured

While Rok Soo was worried about the children and Cales safety thinking of ways to get them out without Cale getting hurt. The thought of Cale getting even a scratch on him is enough to make him lose his mind

He swore that if Cale loses even one strand of hair do to this

It doesn't matter whether it is a commoner or a noble or even a king or a god he swore he would make then pay a thousand times over

Cale saw the scowl on Rok Soo's face and stood up and sat in his lap and gave him a peck on his cheek

" hey don't worry I'll be fine worry about your self" Cale smiled

Rok Soo returned this action and held Cale tightly and said
"You better promise me if you are ever in trouble and I'm not near you us the teleportation scroll and escape okay" Rok Soo said firmly looking Cale in the eyes

" I promise but I won't have to because nothing bad is going to happen" Cale smiled

But they both had this gut feeling that something bad was going to happen

And that worried both of them but neither said a word to the other as they didn't want to worry the other

Something bad is going to happen I can feel it they both thought

All they could do is hold each other tight

Little did they know that there whole life was going to change once they reached the plaza


Little did the pair know there was a  figure lurching in the shadows following there ever more

" Ah my darling Cale we meet again but this time you Will. Be. Mine."

All that was seen was a twisted smile full of malice an joy

All that was seen was a twisted smile full of malice an joy

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(Gif not mine creadit to original creator )

"I will get you"




The shadow disappeared


click click click

Time 7:50am

1 hour and 10 minutes till plaza incident


Thank you for reading this chapter and I'm so sorry for not posting sooner but I had so many ideas of what to write so I wrote about 5 chapters and deleted all of those ideas and came up with new ones because my readers deserve the best

So I will be posting or then one chapter today as an apology for failing to finish the chapters on time

But I hope you all in joy what idea I stuck with and

Love you all bye✌️

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