Chapter 48

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8:10 am

50 minutes until plaza incident


The pair was already inside and talking to the others in there group

Rok Soo was scanning the plaza and realized something

" hello there little one I love your necklace we're did you get it" Rok Soo said as he approached a child with a gentle smile

" I I umm I" the little girl stammered

" hey it's OK don't worry it's just that your necklace was so pretty. I wanted to get one for my friend. See that pretty person over there with the red hair" Rok Soo said as he pointed at Cale

" I was wondering if you could sell me the necklace so I could give it to him" as he said that he signaled for Cale to come over

" hello there small child" Cale smiled

The little girl was mesmerized by the beauty of Cale

The little girl smiled and took of the necklace and gave it to Cale

" here you go" she said as she handed the necklace

Cale was shocked but let the little girl put it around his neck he smiled and said
" thank you so much"

With that Rok Soo gave he 5 gold pieces as a font to her parents came over

" Lulu there you are within looking everywhere for you" they were shocked when they saw a noble in front of their daughter

They both quickly bowed, and the girl now name is Lulu went over to her parents and said " look look I got five gold coins for giving the pretty brother the necklace I got" the parents were shocked

That's when Rok Soo clarified and said
" someone stole these necklaces from us and we're trying to retrieve them so we are willing to pay to get them back" the parents nodded and smiled Lulu waved goodbye

Any news about them trying to buy back stolen necklace is spread like wildfire and many other people came and gave in the same necklace. A purple necklace that had special engraved minutes on it. Naturally as Rok Soo is a man of his word he gave each person five gold coins who had a necklace

" sooooo are you going to tell me what those necklaces are because you look shock when you saw the number of necklaces that were given in" Cale said in a confused tone

" They are miniature bombs" Cale was shocked

" bombs" cale was stunned

" magic bombs to be precise I mean, don't you feel the magic power coming from them?"

Now that he mentioned it Cale realize there was magic lingering, but he never expected for then to be bombs

" also Cale I'm sorry for using your title without asking you" Rok Soo apologized

Cale was surprised, but chuckled, saying
" it's fine you did it protect people and think about it. Lots of lives have been saved because of it. I'm glad to use my title." Cale smiled and Rok Soo was happy


They disposed of the magic bombs

It took longer than expected, as Rok Soo wanted to make sure that there were no more bombs in the area


Time 8:45am

15 minutes until the plaza incident


The nobles were seated and the commoners were full of excitement as the festivities we're about to start

Then the man of the hour started coming out the King himself

As well as the 3 princes

Rok Soo glared at them mostly the second prince he loathed him

And he already had a few revenge plans concocted in his head

He smirked at the thought of killing him slowly and painfully

His smirk turned into a wicked grin

Cale elbowed him mouthing knock it off

Rok Soo sighed and complied

boom boom

Fireworks filled the sky

" hello and welcome. I  want to thank you all for coming to  this event it brings me great joy to see the kingdom prosper for many more years to come" the king said with a wide smile

But as if on cue there was an explosion

Smoke gathered and a man stood in the smoke

The man laughed like a maniac and said

" hahahahahhahahah look at all those faces so full of shock and worry but don't worry soon you'll be nothing more than pools of your beautiful red blood" the man in the smoke smiled like a maniac

Every one was shocked

" wont that be amazing" a sinister grin was plastered across his face


9 :00 am

0 minutes until plaza incident


Thank you for reading this chapter and please comment your ideas for other chapters

Love you all

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