Chapter 42

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Rok Soo shivered and got goosebumps

Why do I feel like something annoying is going to happen Rok Soo thought to himself

He showed that though away and focused on the most annoying part of this whole event

The handshake with the crown prince as this is something that they can't avoid no madder how hard he tried so all he had to do is keep the encounter short as Rons warnings was still weighing heavy on his mind

As they approached the door Cale showed his invitation and befor the guard said anything he pointed out the second invitation that was for Rok Soo that had the crown princes seal of approval so the guard had no Choi but to let
Rok Soo in

Once they arrived Rok Soo was e pressed at the amount of thought the Crown prince put into the layout of the tables even though there table was the closest to the door

Rok Soo was quite glad as if anything annoying/dangerous we're to happen he would be able to grab Cale and run as fast as you can and since they are closest to the door it's mes ther can escape without getting trampled

Once they reached the table Rok Soo was shocked they left a chair for him as he was prepared to stand the whole time

Rok Soo bowed at the nobles at the table they all bowed back and the pair sat down as they both sat down and the invisible dragons moved to sit on their laps

The people at the table was shocked/ pleasantly surprised at Rok Soo being there but no one said a thing they were actually glad he was there as the first time they meet Rok Soo was respectful and kept Cale in check

A few minutes later Cale reached for some wine and Rok Soo said
"Is this the glass you choose to be the first glass you take as only allowed to drink four glasses of wine tonight as it's best if you behave and remember you have promised to behave and stay silent" Rok Soo scolded

Cale pouted but relented as he let out a sigh

Everyone at the table breathed out a sight that they didn't know they were holding

Even the people around them where shocked as the rumored tras-  ❌ ehem they meant the rumored misbehaving ✅ young master listened to no one so they were shocked that they man besides him caused him not to drink the wine

A few more minutes passed before everyone was seated and the royal princes came in with all there "glory"

For some reason as soon as Rok Soo laid eyes on the crown prince he knew he was going to hate him

Rok Soo wasn't sure why but all be knew was that the crown prince was fake

Rok Soo glared at the prince and the dragon twins realized that Rok Soo disliked the crown prince that's when they decided to give him some information

" hey strong human" the twins said in his mind

He patted the dragon on his lap as a way of telling them he was listening

" that prince is using magic to hide his true appearance" the red dragon said

" and he's not even human" the black dragon continued

Rok Soo patted the dragon ms and thanked them for the information

Rok Soo lifted his hand up to his mouth to cover his smirk

Then thought to himself is that so this is perfect if I find him suspicious or a threat to Cale I'll just expose this info to one of the other princes

Rok Soo had a smirk that the devil would be proud of

That when it hit him he didn't even have to expose his secret right away all he had to do is threaten him with the info

Because of the warning he got from Ron and Becrox Rok Soo had dirt on 2 of the 3 princes

The second and third princes were easy but the first prince was tricky as he was basically " perfect"

Now he had dirt on him and he is free to use the info to his full advantage

He was snapped out of his thoughts when the second prince started his speech

It was to long Rok Soo though as a long speech will make the audience lose interest and not pay attention

Then the crown prince took the stage and started his own speech

There it is Rok Soo though short and to the point as this is supposed to be a party not a speech the length of the speech was perfect

Just as the prince was going to finish his speech the doors opened

There stood Cage the rumored crazy priestess and the crippled eldest son of the Stan family Tylor Stan

Cale smiled at seeing then and Rok Soo smirked

Oh a show is about to start Rok Soo said preparing for the show.


Thank you for reading this chapter and please comment your ideas for other chapters

Love you all

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