Chapter 11

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"Cale . . . Wha-"

" what in the world happened in here." Rok Soo was in shock all he saw was scattered clothes and chaos in the room. It looked like a tornado hit it.

" Rok Soo" Cale looked at Rok Soo with tears in his eyes

Rok Soo got concerned and ran over to Cale and was about to say something when Cale said

" I have nothing to wear"

Rok Soo was dumbfounded

Nothing to were Rok Soo though then he looked at the piles of clothing everywhere then back at Cale with a raised eyebrow as if telling him to elaborate.

Cale got the message and said

" well this one is to small, while this one is too big." Cale stated

" then there is this one that I wore once but turns out some other noble has the same one even though I looked better then them in it I'd rather die then for someone to think I copied there style ." He continued looking and the clothing with a hateful scorn and trow it.

"Then there is this one it makes me look fat and this one makes me feel ugly" he continued

" then all of those I were to much and these are to slutty and show to mush skin while those make me look like a box and don't show off my natural beauty and curves that would make a woman jealous I mean look at my waist" Cale stood u and gave Rok Soo a little twirl.

" then why buy all these clothes" Rok Soo questioned not quite sure of why he would by clothes he doesn't even like.

" ha I didn't buy them I don't have such poor taste the only good clothing I have Ron buys them for me but the other are gifts."Cale said with a board expression.

" gifts" Rok Soo repeated looking at Cale suspiciously.

" ya gifts I may have acted like trash but I was still popular with my good looks lots of people like me and there are lots of nobles who send clothes as gifts but don't worry Ron checks them before I get them to make sure there is nothing suspicious on the clothing. Tho he always looks mad when I receive them in the first place" Cale looked up with a questioning gaze as to why Ron always looked so mad about the gifts.

Rok Soo however was pissed even though his face didn't give it away as we had his same stoic face. For some reason he asked

" were all off the nobles that gave you gifts male" he looked at Cale the same as always

Then Cale thought about it and said
"Ya I'm pretty sure all of them were make some even asked my hand in marriage. Ron was so make when he read the notes or letters in the boxes that he burnt the outfit along with the note." Cale laughed at the memory

His answer seemed to piss Rok Soo off even more then he thought now I have to thank the vicious old man.

Then Rok Soo though of something why was he reacting like this it wasn't his business who Cale ended up marrying as he was only his knight but the thought of Cale marrying someone else terrified him. Then something came to him.

" hey love promise wether it's in this life or the next you'll never marry anyone but me okay" the shorter of the 2 said looking at there lover.

The taller chuckle and replied
" of course darling just remember the same applies for you don't go marrying someone else because you are incredibly beautiful and everyone would want you and I can't go losing you to some nobody." He said smirking the last word

The shorter giggled and said
"of course after all I'm all yours just like your all mine"

" always" the shorter started

" and forever" the taller continued

Then the both shared a kiss.


" -ok - oo, Rok So- ROK SOO" Cale screamed and Rok Soo snapped out of his dream like state.

" huh what happened" Rok Soo said looking at Cale

Cale frowned
" are you ok Rok Soo if you want you can talk to me about it I'll be happy to listen" Cale said looking really confused and concerned for Rok Soo.

Just as Rok Soo was going to reply there was a knock on the door

" young master may I come in"


Thank you for reading this chapter and please comment what ship I might use and what i should write in the future

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