Chapter 17

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When Cale woke up he was shocked because he woke up on Rok Soo's with his head on his chest and with a screech he quickly got off.

But his leg was numb so he tripped and fell forward and made a sound

Someone heard the commotion and ran inside the tent to check

" young master are you okay" Hans said with Ron next to him

They were both shocked when they saw the young master sitting on top of  Rok Soo with Rok Soo still unconscious.

" ho it seems you gotten quite bold young master" Ron stated

Hans was shocked and smirked and said
" my young master I never knew you had this side to you

" n-no it's nothing like that. This is just a big misunderstanding." Cale said and he started moving around  as he tried to get off of Rok Soo waking up Rok Soo in the process

" Hmm what's going on" Rok Soo said waking from his slumber

He was shocked seeing Cale on top of him just as he was going to say something

Cale got even more embarrassed and shouted 
"Nooooo why did you wake up"

Before Rok Soo can say anything




"Hmmmm" Rok Soo groaned as he felt his cheek  that had just been slapped by Cale

After the slap Cale got out of the tent. Then Cale ran away from him

Hmmmmm Rok Soo was confused on why he was slapped. He even went as far as asking Ron, even Ron didn't have a clue. Or he just faked ignorance

Sigh I will go look for him Rok Soo  thought.

As he walked, he reached a clearing with a river, and he was beauty of the river. Then he saw crying redhead next to the river.

He was confused, and his head was throbbing. He shook those thoughts away then walked over to the redhead.

" hey why are you crying huh." Rok Soo asked with a gentle voice

Cale looked away from him

Rok Soo sighed and sat next to Cale then said
" come on don't cry or your precious little eyes will get all puffy and they will hurt." Rok Soo said smiling at Cale who was now looking at him

Rok Soo admires Cales eyes. They were similar in color to his but his eyes held so much purity. and kindness but also a darkness, pain as well as fear that Rok Soo wanted to get rid of for him.

While Cale admired Rok Soo's eye so dark and mysterious but you could tell he's bin through a lot and his scars were a clear indication. But his eyes held a warmth that he only showed to him and the children no one else and Cale loved it. He loves being the only person Rok Soo looked at so lovingly.

They both starred at each other with a sense of longing but also . . . Love

They sat in a conferrable silence and they both wished time would stop at this moment


All good things had to end


When they returned Cale had a smile and Rok Soo carried a small smile as well.

They all sat down to eat and then Ron walked over

" mister Rok Soo it's time to change you bandages and take a painkiller" Ron said

His injury he forgot about it

That when Cale's eyes went wide and started to freak out

" your injuries i forgot about then.
Are you ok?
Dose it hurt ?
Do you do you hate me now?
Don't worry I'll help you change them"

Just as Rok Soo was about to reply Cale gave him a look and he instantly knew if he retorted he's a dead man.


After that

" pfffffff" a soldier held in a laugh

Band *bang* bang* a soldier hit his hand on the table holding back his laughter

Rok Soo was pissed

Even the children were laughing at him.

There Rok Soo sat with messed up bandages and a giant bow on his back

He sighed and defeated and thanked Cale for helping him


The night went smoothly and the next day came

They were on the road again and his time the carriage was reinforced with magic

That when they heard a commotion outside turns out the carriage stopped because another carriage almost hit an old man.

Rok Soo sighed and started getting out the carriage

" where are you going" Cale asked

"To settle this matter as I am the one in charge of your protection and I am the representative from the henituse family right" Rok Soo replied stepping out the carriage

" what seems to be the problem" Rok Soo started

" they almost hit this old man" Hans replied

Rok Soo nodded standing he understood and looked at the carriage and thought please of all the people in the world let it not be

" what is going on"


Once again his prayers were lest unheard

Of all people why did he show up

Venion Stan  the heir to the Stan Household


Why do the gods hate me so much


Thank you for reading this chapter and please comment your ideas for other characters

See you next chapter

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