Chapter 33

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"It means death"




"Tch your lucky i promised not to kill anyone but be warned if anyone is to disrespect or hurt young master Cale."Rok Soo took out his sword  from the knights hands

" they will die by my hands" Rok Soo's words scared everyone who heard it

Rok Soo swished his sword of the knights blood and walked back into the inn and approached the owner and apologized for the damage but turns out Cale already paid for the damage

After that incident Cales group was off to the capital

News of what happened spread and many knew the fait of what would happen to anyone who messed with Young master Cale


Cale was playing with the children and Rok Soo was monitoring the surroundings and he quickly released that the dragons were following them and the red one was closer to the carriage while the black one was further back

Rok Soo chuckled and opened the window and put a snack on the chair net to him and signaled that he saw them

They were shocked but the red one came closer and Rok Soo handed them the snakes and told them to sit on top of the carriage and eat them they confused but still did it and they fell in love with the snacks that they now know are called cookies


The carriage stopped so the horses can rest the knights where talking when another group approached them it was non other that the older child of the Stan family Taylor Stan

Rok Soo glared at the man and Cale hit him on the shoulder telling him to be nice

Rok Soo looked away but complained

"Hello young master Cale it's nice to see you again" Taylor said with a smile

"It's nice to see you as well" Cale stated with a smile

"Cale-nim" a female voice was heard it was the crazy prestis Cage

"Cage -San it's nice to see you too" Cale said with a smile Rok Soo glared at the too that when Cage said

"And who might you" be as she addressed Rok Soo

"It's nice to meet you my name is Kim Rok Soo I am Young master Cales personal guard and the representative of the Henituse family" Rok Soo bowed

"Nice to meet you my name is Cage" she said with a smile

"Hello my name is Taylor Stan pleasure to meet you" He smiled

Rok Soo disided to be an asshole and said
"Oh your the brother of Venion Stan the one always harassing my young master"

As he said that he pulled Cale behind him

"I'm sorry for any inconvenience he may have caused you" Taylor said sounding genuine

" oh really but it seems everyone in the Stan estate is I'll mannered" Rok Soo replied

Cage was made and said
"How dare you"

Rok Soo pulled out his sword and said
"Not only is the your younger brother harassing my young master but your families knights dare to disrespect my young master and called him a slut so tell me what are you going to do to fix this."


They were silent

Taylor replied and bowed his head
" I'm very sorry for everything the Stan family has done to you so if I could do something I would"

"Become the Marquee" Rok Soo replied putting back his sword

"What" Taylor replied

"I said become the the Marquee and solve the issues in your territory"

"But how I lost the ability to stand" Taylor sounded hopeless

"But you have not lost your ability to see, speack or take action" Rok Soo replied

Taylor was shocked

" and there is a rumor that the crown prince has an ancient power that can heal any injurie once but it is a one time use" Rok Soo smirked

Taylor smiled and started

"Of course I will become the best lord" Taylor smiled


Both groups arrived to the capital

They were able to steak both Taylor and Cage into the capital and then went there separate ways

Rok Soo was amazed by everything he saw once they reached the Henituse mansion in the capital they were welcomed by the servants and were brought to there rooms

Rok Soo and Cale were in separate rooms but Rok Soo was fine with it and continued on there way Cale was upset but had the children to keep him company

Once Rok Soo was in his room Rok Soo opened his window and said

"I know you 2 are out there come out"

The twin dragons came out of hiding and sat next to the window and staired at
Rok Soo

Rok Soo chuckled and was going to say something when the black dragon said
"What are you"

Silence Rok Soo was confused

The black dragon repeated

"What are you you feel human but you and the other redhead has a lot of magic and it is strange."

Rok Soo was shocked and couldn't even respond


Thank you for reading this chapter and please comment your ideas for other characters I should add

Bye love you all

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