Chapter 51

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Meaning the royal will be the tie breaker and it was non other than

Alberu Crossman

Whoever he chooses will led to the future of there kingdom

" I choose . . ."


" Young master Cale"

Many gasps were heard

Both of surprise and relief

Rok Soo felt like he was breathing again and nearly fainted due to stress

"What" Rosalyn was shocked

"Think about this Alberu" it was the second prince this time

" she is a princess" the second prince said

" of a enemy country" Alberu interrupted

" on top of that she must have entered the country with a fake identity as the princess of the Break kingdom is said to have red hair meaning if she really is the princess" Alberu glanced at Rosalyn

" that would mean that she was sent as a spy thus she would be delt with accordingly if it was under normal circumstances" he said as he glanced at the sky

" And we must do everything in our power to protect our own citizens and the princess of another country is non of our concern. I refuse to give up the life of one of our own people to save the life of an outsider" he said as he glanced at Rosalyn looking down on her

His words held so much power and authority that no one objected

Rok Soo was relieved at the princes words

And thought maybe he's not so bad

" pff hahahahahahah what a good speech but alright catch" threw  'Cale' and Rok Soo ran to grab him

But he was tricked

It wasn't Cale he caught

But Rosalyn

Rok Soo was pissed he ruthlessly threwRosalyn on the ground as if she was a rag doll and screamed

" this isn't Cale" Rok Soo was growing more and more irritated as well as worried as Cale was in the grip of the enemy

No mater how strong he was he couldn't fight all those mages alone and there were the arrows above them to worry about

"Oh is that so I didn't realize" he gave a nonchalant answer

Rok Soo was pissed

" oh well I guess you'll have to just deal with it as I already gave you one of the captives and I don't intend to give you the other one" Redika said with a smirk that's when he did and unthinkable

He lifted a knife up to Cales check and made a cut

Cale screamed and Rok Soo was shocked he tried to move but was bound by chains

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