A Happy Ending For Some

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I huffed out a laugh at the man in front of me.  "Yeah, I really do intend to propose.  I know it's really early in the relationship still, but Lisa is perfect for me.  I feel like life has really turned out the best it possibly could have for me.  I can never think Jiminie enough for making this not only possible, but also my actual reality."

Namjoon chuckled with a sad smile.  "Yeah, I guess you really have it all now, huh?  Officially the court painter, about to propose to a wonderful girl, best friends with a kind prince, and have all the wealth you need in the world.  I'm certain if you needed anything at all, Prince Jimin wouldn't hesitate to find a way to get you whatever your heart could desire.  At least there's a happy ending for some of us."

I nodded my agreement before frowning at him.  "Hopefully for Jiminie too.  And soon.  I've never seen him so broken.  He is like a hollow shell of himself.  It hurts to see. "

He glanced up at me.  "Hopefully a happy ending for Jungkook as well.  I hope he recovers for Prince Jimin's sake alone, but I also miss my friend.  I really hope he wakes up soon."

The room went silent as we pondered my best friend's situation.  My mind whirled back to the man in front of me and the situation he'd found himself in a few days earlier.  "I'm sorry about King Jin.  I know...I know how close you were and how much you wished things were different, but for the record, I think you did the right thing."

He smiled weakly and mournfully back at me.  "I'm not even mad at what he said anymore.  I know he was scared and hurting and he went too far.  It was by no means okay for him to even suggest it, but as soon as the words left his mouth I could see his remorse.  We all have intrusive, bad thoughts.  He was just stupid enough to let his come out in a nasty way.  I think what hurts the most though is knowing that I am right.  That it really is the end of us and I have to let him go for real now."

What do you say to a man's broken heart?  What do you do to make someone feel better when the only thing that could fix them is to have back what they lost?  There was nothing I could do and I felt helpless looking at my friend's broken expression.  I sat, lost and hurt for him, as I failed to do anything but reach out and hold his hand in mine.

Namjoon pressed his lips in a fine line that attempted to be a smile.  "Thank you."

"For what?"

He squeezed my hand in his.  "For being here.  For being my friend.  I see what Prince Jimin sees in you.  You're a good man, Kim Taehyung.  Lisa is lucky to have you.  Maybe one day I'll be lucky enough to have someone too."

I bit my lip, speaking my mind before my brain caught up.  "Maybe you'll find a way with King Jin."

Namjoon shuddered with un-shed tears, nodding.  "Maybe."


A/N:  That's right.  Another a/n and another chapter.  Three in one day.  That's right.  Triple update.  I'm making up for lost time and the fact that I flat out abandoned this story at one point due to hectic schedules. 

Closer to the end, but still a ways to go.  I got you.  We'll get through this together.

Will Jin and Namjoon work something out or will they manage to get over each other and move on?

Sope and Taehyung are doing well, but we haven't checked in on Jikook in a while.  How is Jungkook doing?

Is the ending in sight?  Well...kinda.  Still got a while to go, but we're almost there.  Stay with me, Lovely Armies and find out more next time!

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