So Much For Diplomacy

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"Told you."

Crowned Prince Yoongi and his father both turned to me with mirrored looks of disbelief.  I rolled my eyes at them.  As if they didn't already the type of man I was by now.  I spoke my mind and yet it never failed to surprise those around me.

Meanwhile Jimin stifled a grin behind his hand as he choked on his laughter.  I winked at him as I crossed my arms across my chest with a smirk.

"Well, yes, Prince Jungkook.  I had a feeling that the diplomacy mission would not be a success, but we at least had to try.  Your father...he's become more paranoid and more dangerous.  He...he's placed a bounty on all your heads.  Including my sons."

I stared back and the king in shock.  My own father.  Put a bounty on my head, as well as my friends' and brothers'.  I shouldn't still be surprised but I found that I was.

The king paused a moment, but continued on.  "Your kingdom has begun questioning his capacity to rule.  It's always been one of his greatest fears after your mother passed.  There are revolts and protests at the capital.  He's...started preparing his military for a war against East Busan."

I felt Jimin's arms around me as he moved to comfort me.  I must have looked more distraught than I imagined.  I could hardly believe that my father would do such a thing, but knowing how fearful he'd become of losing his title after my mother, the rightful heir to the throne died nearly a decade back, it made all too perfect sense.

Slowly, I began to nod and look between the faces of my friends, the king, and my lover.  "Then we need to do something about him."

Jin-hyung nodded solemnly.  "I agree.  We...we need to get rid of father."

"You can't kill him!" Hobi-hyung screeched.  "He's still our father!  Maybe...maybe we can just lock him up?  Surely we can do something other than just staging a coup."

Namjoon nodded.  "I agree with Prince Hoseok.  It would make us no better than him if we kill him.  There has to be another way."

Jimin nodded against my chest.  "Then we'll find it," he looked up at me, "and we'll make sure you're all safe from now on."

I smiled down at him as I brushed the midnight hair from his eyes.  His father smiled softly toward us.

The king nodded with determination.  "Well, then.  I suppose we should try to devise a plan, my boys!"


A/N:'s been too long since I worked on this one.  I didn't have the energy or time or mental brain power to work on a long story (see my short stories for what I used to de-stress during this ridiculous time.)

I graduate in...drum roll please...two days!

Excited? Yes.

Terrified? Most definitely.

I was so close to finishing this story when the busiest part of my schedule hit me.  I will be finishing this up soon.  Thank you to everyone who's stuck around and waited on me.  And all the new people showing up to give it some love. 

This chapter is short, but so am I!  So I'll try to do better in the next few days. 

Anyway...onward with the story!

How will the boys stop the King of West Busan?

What's the big secret Jungkook is still hiding from Jimin?

How will any of this nonsense work out when I've made a royal mess of their world?

What's going on with Taehyung and Lisa?

All that and more...MOMENT IS YET TO COME!

See what I did there? ;)

Anyway...see ya next time Lovely Armies!!!

(P.S. I still haven't edited.  Lord help me, I just didn't have it in me.)

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