Before You Go (18+ warning-mild)

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"Jimin," I had whispered just before our lips touched.

I groaned into the kiss, tugging him further into my lap and holding him tightly.  Jimin made me feel ways no one had ever made me feel before.  Thinking back to the mere four weeks it had been since I'd first arrived in East Busan I could hardly believe that I had believed such malicious rumors about the man in my arms.

Jimin brought my thoughts back to the present and back to him when he worked his fingers through my hair and tugged.  Our kiss became a bit fevered as he wriggled in my lap.  I was drowning in him and I hoped I'd die happy in his waters.

"Jungkook," Jimin breathed out as I kissed down his neck.  "Jungkook, make love to me."

I froze.  Was he serious?  Did the man I have fallen in love with just ask me to make love to him?  Was I about to lose my virginity to the man I was coming to realize was exactly what I'd always wanted in a partner?

"Jungkook," he whined, breathlessly.  "Please."

I nodded slowly against his neck, my own desire building to dangerous heights as he continued to roll his hips down into my lap.  We were practically glued to each other as clothing began to fall to the floor.

My tongue traced it's way to his peaked nipples.  I gnashed my teeth across the skin around one before sucking it into my mouth, nipping a little as Jimin moaned.  He gripped my shoulders so tightly I thought I might bruise, but I didn't mind.

Slipping my thumbs under the waistband of his trousers, I slid them down over the full plumpness of his rear.  Jimin lifted slightly to let me before breaking free to rid himself of them entirely.  He latched back onto me the second they were gone and tugged impatiently at mine.  I stood briefly to hastily pull them off before dragging Jimin back into my lap.

Now naked, Jimin's hip rolls became much more lewd and tempting.  This man would surely be the death of me.


Jungkook's tongue gliding over the base of my neck was almost too much to bear.  I could feel his erection rub against my own each time I ground my hips into him.  I had never had anyone inside me, so the feeling of wanting Jungkook this way was new and had me a little anxious.  Would he want me inside him instead?  We hadn't exactly discussed anything.  Had he been with others before me?  Would I be the only one losing their virginity tonight? Or was Jungkook as pure as me?

I didn't have time to ask, nor ponder on all my questions as the door to my chambers flung open and two grinning men burst through the door.  Their faces quickly fell when they took in the sight of the pair of us naked and tangled in each other's hold.

"Jimin?"  My father's face was knit with confusion and perhaps a little disappointment.

"Jungkook!" the Western King bellowed.  "What in the name of God and Country are you doing in here?  Naked!  And with Prince Jimin naked in your lap?  What is this?"

The king's face looked as if it was less of a question and more of a warning.  He seemed as though he was anything but surprised to find his son kissing a naked man.  My stomach sank wondering once more if this was the first time Jungkook had been in this position.

As if his father's voice had awoken him from some sort of trance, Jungkook tugged the sheet balled beside us on my bed and wrapped it around us to hide our nudity.  His arms squeezed protectively around my waist, pinning me to his chest.  My own father watched in a sort of dawning realization.  As if pieces of a puzzle he'd not realized wasn't whole were clicking into place.

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