How Could You?

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"NO!  NO YOU'RE WRONG!  HE'S NOT DEAD!" I hit the royal doctor's chest repeatedly, arms growing weaker and weaker as I crumpled to the floor, sobbing and shrieking out Jungkook's name.

Weeping loudly without any care in the world about the scene I was making that was unseemly for a prince, I crawled onto the bed to lay on Jungkook's immobile body.  "If he's dead, then why is his body still warm?"

"Please!  If you'll listen to me, Prince Jimin.  He's only mostly dead.  He's unresponsive, but his body is technically still alive.  It's his mind that's gone.  We have no way of knowing when he'll wake up or even if he will wake up," the royal doctor calmly stated.

I sniffed as I laced my fingers through Jungkook's, missing how they would normally have curled around my own.  "So...he might wake up?"

The doctor sighed, seeming to have some sort of internal battle.  "Yes.  He might wake up.  I don't want to give you false hope though, Prince Jimin.  There's a very good chance that he doesn't, too.  We have no way to determine that.  Medicine can only do so much.  The rest will be up to Prince Jungkook."

The man stepped to my side, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder.  He looked to me earnestly, "Believe me when I say that I very much would like to believe that my prince is strong enough to recover.  That his body will heal.  I want it to happen very much.  Likely not as much as you given your...connection with him," he said carefully, "but I am loyal to my prince.  I will do everything in my power to see him recovered."

I could only nod to him as fresh tears made their way back onto my still-damp cheeks.  The doctor glanced over Jungkook, examining him one last time before bowing and leaving Jungkook's chambers.

"How could you?" I whispered, tears dripping from my chin onto his exposed chest.  "How could you leave me like this?  You better come back to me.  You have to come back to me."


A/N: A short chapter, but I couldn't leave it on quite so much of a cliffhanger as I had before.  This one hurt to write.  Poor Kookie. 

Will he wake up from his coma?

Will he tell Jimin his secret?

Will Jin become King?

Will all the couples live happily ever after?

Will I ever stop asking questions we all know I'm going to take forever to answer?

Will the end of the story ever be in sight?

Find out as I write yet another chapter soon, Lovely Armies!!!

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