Change | Chpt 53

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Hello, so this will be the 3rd to last chapter of this book. I'll be coming out with a new Peter Parker x Reader after this. It's going to be called Sweet Pea.

I have also posted an Eddie Munson x reader in my oneshots book with the green cover! If you like Stranger Things and you like Eddie Munson, as we all do, then please check it out. It's happy, I promise! No Stranger Things tbh, just 80s vibes.

Thanks for reading.


(y/n)'s POV

It was getting warmer as we went through our Spring semester. It had been around 2 weeks of dating both of the boys and the only one who knew was Mina. Kaminari had mentioned in passing that he was suspicious of us, but he was busy with Sero. As it turned out, they made an even better couple than just best friends. Everyday at lunch, I sat with one hand in Kirishima's and one leg intertwined with Bakugo's--both underneath the lunch table. With them there, eating seemed to get easier and easier. Nestled between them, I got to watch Kaminari and Sero interact. It was sweet, the way that they looked at each other and talked with one another. It was an entirely new level of admiration they had for each other, past their friendship. I wondered how Bakugo, Kirishima, and I looked to everyone else. Maybe it wasn't noticeable to anyone besides Mina.

That also meant that Aizawa didn't know and I figured that he might be...weirded out by the subject as a whole. It wasn't like he disapproved, but it wasn't like I walked around talking about all my feelings all the time or called him dad on the regular. I only ended up crying to Aizawa when things were going totally wrong and I didn't call him dad at all. Telling him something like this was just weird.

Being closer with Kirishima and Bakugo was nice, but it seemed like we had reached a stall. We were comfortable with staying in each other's rooms for an afternoon and worked our way to touching each other more. Where we were stuck, was a kiss. Obviously, there were 3 of us and we couldn't all kiss at once. I had imagined it before, distracting myself from my homework. I thought it was entirely too weird and didn't make sense.

I knew that Bakugo and Kirishima had kissed, that was a big reason...or well a setback in telling them how I was feeling. I had seen them do it and at that time it had broken my heart. Now, none of us had worked up the courage to set up a series of kisses, one at a time. Even ordering them up seemed ridiculous and it was why I wasn't going to be the one to bring it up.

I was afraid to be alone with one of them. I didn't want to step on anyone's toes by making them feel left out. That was the major pitfall of relationships with more than 2 people, or at least that was the typical one. I just knew that jealousy seeped its way into my mind and chest when I realized that I didn't know as much about them like they did with each other. When I saw the way that they interacted. I let that jealousy infect my thought process regarding them. I thought they were thinking the same way I was.

My train of thought had led me askew from the sweat perspiring at the nape of my neck. That had been my main focus, as the heat coming from outside was making me warm. I picked up the sticky hairs from my neck, twisting up my lengths of hair into a heavy bun. I paused with a hairtie around the bun, looking down at my homework. I let my work unravel and got up to approach my mirror.

I appreciated that I was more comfortable in my skin, so much so that I actually liked the weathered scars on my body. It wasn't so embarrassing to have a stitch through my eyebrow, it was actually kind of cool. I examined my hair, pulling it up to a shorter length. It wasn't drastic, just from my hips up to my armpits. It was a lot of hair, but if I said goodbye to the length I was so used hair would still be technically long. I had never cut my hair before, my mother would just trim it.

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