Meeting Mom | Chpt 51

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(y/n)'s POV

I felt startled when I was woken up out of bed. The knock at my door seemed kind of feverish, and I thought maybe there was an emergency to be dealt with according to VIP. I had gotten so excited and giddy from last night's party that sleep eluded me for a while. I ended up falling asleep due to exhaustion, far past the time I intended to fall asleep. I picked up myself, head heavy and tired. I hurried to my door, thinking that it indeed was an emergency. I swung it open, eyes still half shut.

"Oh man..." Kaminari said, brushing past me and into my room before I could greet him. I rubbed at my eyes, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Uh...what are you--"

"I did something bad!" he said, wincing at how loud he was, himself.


"I was really drunk last night," he said.

"I know, I was there," I stated. "I handed you off to Sero." Kaminari looked up at me incredulously, as if I had just stated something ridiculous.


"Yeah, you were not looking so hot," I stated.

"(y/n) you don't hand me off to Sero! I like him!"

"Okay, and?"

"I made out with him and then threw up on his shoes!" Kaminari said.


"Yeah!" Kaminari said, sitting down on my bead and covering his face with his hands. "We made out, I told him that I liked him and before he could respond...I yakked on his shoes."

"Oh Kaminari..." I said, sitting beside him. "I'm sure he understands."

"Great, you can find that out while I change my name and leave the country," he stated. I deadpanned, shaking my head.

"Sero is a nice guy and he seems to like you. You just need to talk to him," I replied, patting Kaminari on the back.

"I guess you're right..." Kaminari said, picking his head up. There was another knock on my door and I furrowed my eyebrows again. Who the hell was that? I was still not used to the fact that I was not so lonely anymore. I guess that means everyone can't leave me alone.

"Hold on a second," I stated. I got up and answered my door again for the second time in less than 10 minutes, seeing that Kirishima and Bakugo were there.

"See! I told you she'd be awake," Kirishima stated. He smiled at me, looking slightly past to Kaminari sat on my bed.

"How did you call them that fast to help me?" Kaminari asked, getting up from the bed.

"We're not here for you dunce face," Bakugo scoffed.

"We're here for breakfast with (y/n)," Kirishima stated. Kaminari looked to me and then in between the boys for a moment. I was still stood in my pajamas, feeling rather stupid.

"Wait...are you guys going on breakfast date? Are you together? You can't be serious! All three of you can do this but I puked on Sero's shoes?!" Kaminari asked. He was obviously hysterical and the possibility that he was still drunk seemed low but by how he was acting, it was the only thing I could believe. Kaminari slumped into my arms, wailing about his tail of woe. I stood there, a grimace on my face. I just pat his back again, not knowing what to do.

"What the hell is his problem?" Bakugo asked.

"He told Sero he liked him and then threw up on Sero's shoes," I said. Kaminari groaned again, burying himself in a hug. I pressed my lips together tightly. "Look, Kaminari, just clean yourself up and tell Sero that you didn't mean to throw up. Talk about you guys together."

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