Partnership | Chpt 37

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(y/n)'s POV

I had already told the girls what happened. Jirou had been giving me a weird look all morning, which was expected. I didn't really sleep all that well, despite the fact that it had chosen to sleet. Any sort of hard rain would always put me to sleep, especially since I had gotten here. I had been falling asleep and staying asleep, unlike back...home. After I had explained everything, Jirou's face had softened to a point where I felt some relief.

Obviously, there was trust between me and my classmates now that I was here, so I shouldn't let the thoughts that it was dwindling bother me. I was afraid that they would think I was lying, that this person from my past is a reflection of who I am. I was afraid that they wouldn't trust me because I hadn't brought him up until now. I wish I had remembered him before now.

"Oh (y/n)," Mina murmured, hushed so much that her fingers barely even touched the bandage on my hand. It didn't really hurt that bad, clearly I had worse and recently too. She still held my hand in both of hers while a horrific silence settled over the room.

"It's alright," I consoled, pushing the burden off of myself, so that I didn't have to think about it. It would be much easier if Hibiki had looked...crazy. If he had shown violence or insanity, then perhaps I could just pin the nasty feeling in my stomach on that. He seemed...sad. In my presence, he had gotten just a little too excited to see someone he knew and that maybe understood what he was going through.

He was right, he did nothing to me. But he was also right in that I knew him. I knew he was coercive, but I couldn't tell if he was being genuine now. He was in the same boat as I was and if I was given the chance at seeing someone that...maybe I needed to see, I probably would become intense. But what did he really want? Hibiki had never been one to actively work for a better cause. He had a good deal under VIP, didn't he? Why would he try and go against them after they saved him from time in prison? It didn't seem like him to try and be the bigger person and work towards a general cause, for the benefit of others if he was right about what VIP was doing. I still didn't know what that was. Maybe he was just lonely or looking for a purpose. With me, all the ends were squared away and I wanted to be in a comfortable spot. Now that his father was in prison, maybe Hibiki was trying to work towards something else, just for something to do.

I let out a breath, squeezing some of Mina's fingers. My phone started to ring and it was a number pre-loaded into my phone. It was some VIP person. Obviously, I didn't know anything about them really. I just knew the basics from the intro classes. I didn't know any of the workers or how many there were. I had been so complacent in where I was that I hadn't shown any interest in disrupting the peace. Thinking back, I wasn't really someone who showed that kind of initiative. Was I? I had noticed that I was...weaker when I was here. Maybe weak wasn't the right word, but I had really let my guard down and been...over-relaxed. The comfort of my classmates had provided an environment for me to do that. Maybe it wasn't even that.

I tried to recall what it felt like to be back at the house with my parents. I lived in fear most of the time, but I was strong, resilient, stoic. Whenever I would be serving, I could defend myself in a way that I don't think I could do now. Why? I had never organized an uproar against my parents or where I was because I didn't know where to go or what to do. I didn't have an attainable goal and I wasn't just going to ruin things blindly. So I had let my anger simmer under the surface and let my father mold me into what I was now. Not who.

I wasn't...angry. Where had all of that gone? The few times I had felt angry, it was short and faded almost instantly. If I had kept it all inside, there was no way that it would feel like this to get...angry.

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