Eating Habits | Chpt 49

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(y/n)'s POV

"If they ask, you sprained your ankle during training," Aizawa stated. I was sat on his couch, hands pinned beneath my legs.


"So Hibiki comes here to chat," Aizawa said. He had told me that like 4 times and I still couldn't get a grip on what was going on. Earlier today, I had met with the lead detective, a friend of All Might's.

"So after you joined this program, go over the events again?" Tsukauchi asked.

"Well, I was placed and Aizawa used to get me these gummy candies," I stated.

"I had to send them in to be 'inspected'," Aizawa interjected.

"I ate them continuously throughout the beginning weeks here. I was eating them throughout my birthday, October 12th. After that, we went to camp and I was kidnapped. I didn't have access to them and when I came back, I didn't eat them at all. It was far more painful than the first injury I received from an attack on school. I feel much better because I haven't had them at all."

"And you said you were experiencing symptoms here?" he asked.

"Yeah, feeling really drowsy and paranoid. People have said before that I didn't really seem okay, like my friend Mina. She previously mentioned that I looked sick or tired. There was one incident where I ate a lot after a bad day and went to go see my mother. After returning, I threw them all up and felt feverish. I thought that maybe it was just from eating so many, but I don't usually throw up at all. I have a pretty tough stomach, even if I'm upset or disgusted. Ever since getting here I've been nauseous," I stated.

"Right, got it. We'll keep this under discretion and I'm going to take a look into the company. Could I speak to this Hibiki?" Tsukauchi asked.

Tsukauchi had left and was returning to talk to Hibiki after we did. He was being escorted here by a VIP member. I didn't know if they would be in the room. That would soil our plans. I was interrupted by a knock at the door. Aizawa stopped his pacing and walked to the door. He opened it up and allowed Hibiki in. Following him was advisor Kai, but she stopped in the doorway.

"I'll be in the hall, give a call for me," she stated. She nodded once before closing the door and leaving us alone. I honestly hadn't been expecting that. I didn't know how the hell Tsukauchi was going to talk with him either.

Hibiki eyed me before sitting down in an arm chair.

"Sprained your ankle?"


"I don't have my phone tracking me since Kai is outside," he stated, outwardly.

"Good," Aizawa interrupted. He sat down on the coffee table between us. Hibiki's eyes were watching me carefully. "You've made some astute observations Hibiki, the food delivered to (y/n) has been tested and it came back with traces of ketamine."

He stared at Aizawa, brushing his hair back. He looked to me, as if I were supposed to confirm whether this was true or not. I didn't give him a nod and he just let out a breath.

"Well great, what the hell are we supposed to do?" Hibiki asked. Aizawa had expected a drastically different reaction out of Hibiki compared to mine. However, Hibiki's response still shocked Aizawa.

"We're going to have a detective talk to you," Aizawa stated. "He's going to look into VIP and set some changes in motion. I urge you, very seriously, not to do anything."

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