Out of Place | Chpt 3

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Hello there, let me know what you're thinking so far. Never done a villain or a fully polyamorous book.


(y/n)'s POV

The next morning, it was evident that my alarm had failed to go off. That or I had forgotten the short time I had woken up and turned it off--drugged by the feeling of sleep. That was the first time in a while that I hadn't woken up in the middle of the night, which is what I used to do at my old home. It happened at the hotel too. I sat myself up with a soft sigh, knowing now that many of my classmates would be up. I felt so awkward needing to use anything in their space.

After a while of thinking and my stomach rumbling, I headed towards the kitchen. There was no one there and it was quiet. I grabbed something not very noticeable--like a bagel and quickly covered it with cream cheese. I started back to my room, hearing a heavy scuff of furniture from the common room. I paused, knowing I had to walk through there to get back to my room. I peeked my head out of the doorway to see a rather large classmate stood up on one of the chairs in the room. They weren't making any noise and it appeared that they were abnormal from the standard 'human' terms. Their head was shaped like what I could only describe as a mountain. They seemed to be freaking out, but weren't making any sort of noise whatsoever. I peered at them, looking past at the ground. I narrowed my eyes, seeing that it was just a spider laying peacefully at the edge of where the wall and floor met. I frowned slightly, figuring they were just scared of them. 

I wondered if I should help for a moment before letting a breath out my nose. 

"Excuse me?" I asked, my voice coming out small. I cleared my throat and continued as they turned around to look at me. "Do you need help?"

The classmate nodded frantically and I pointed at the spider, which did not cease their nodding. I walked over, letting it crawl up into my hand. I figured that they most likely didn't want to see it crawl up into my body, so I just pressed my lips together thinly. 

"I'll put it outside," I reassured. I glanced around before heading out towards the nearest elevator. I made sure to release it in the dirt, heading back upstairs. I wasn't really expecting them to be waiting for me as I got back. "It wasn't going to hurt you or anything, if that makes you feel any better."

They nodded. I paused for a moment, studying the figure.

"Do you speak?"

The figure shrugged, motioning what I assumed was 'a little'. They must not talk very often and I just nodded. One of the many books I had circulating around home was sign language. It was just pictures, so I wasn't good at it by all means. I was alright at understanding the basics. 

I know a little sign language. My name is (y/n).

They looked ecstatic at the fact, and signed back their name. I watched at their large hands, making out the 4 letters.

"Koda?" I asked. They nodded in response. "That's a nice name."

I like your name.


I let out a sigh, figuring this was my chance at getting to know one of my classmates. They seemed happy at the fact I was trying to sign, even if they could hear me. My hand gestures were crude, but well received.

What's your quirk?  I asked

I can speak with animals.

Bugs too?

Yes, but I am too afraid.

I can sort of talk to bugs, we have a similar quirk. I produce them, but you don't have to be scared.

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