Snow-person | Chpt 44

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Hey babes and good morning


(y/n)'s POV

"So you do well in school then?" Mitsuki confirmed. I was sitting next to Kirishima across from Bakugo's mother and Bakugo himself. Masaru was quietly eating at the head of the table.

"Yes, I would say that I do relatively well."

"But you were home schooled at first? That's impressive to jump so quickly into school."

"Well yes, my mother did teach me quite a bit."

"I'd love to meet with her, if that is at all possible," Mitsuki stated.

"Mom--don't," Bakugo hissed and she waved him off.

"Ah well no one has really met my mom besides Aizawa sensei," I stated. "We've worked a couple things out, here and there. I don't know if she'd want to meet anyone she hasn't said much."

"I know I'm nosy," Mitsuki said, "but how long is she supposed to be in prison?"


"I'm not sure...I mean I'd have to look at her sentence again. My dad after he died...they said that he would've received a lifetime in jail. My mom...if they ever let her out she'd just be put under surveillance and I'd still have to just visit her. I don't think we'd ever live together again. Not sure I'd really want to anyways."

"How come?" she continued.

"Well she's in there for like child endangerment because she let me serve at the bar when I was young," I stated.

"Ahh understood. You have an interesting story, I apologize for prying."

"It's okay, I don't...really mind anymore," I replied. She smiled at me and I looked to Bakugo. It was nice that he was trying to protect me in a sense, but at this point...I had realized my life was sort of on display. I had signed away my story to work for VIP and the cases were public. I couldn't run anymore from what had frightened me so badly before. We finished up dinner and Mitsuki asked how school was going for Kirishima. He gladly told her, sparing no detail about the fact Bakugo tutored him so willingly.

Mitsuki picked up all the plates and I quickly offered to help. She gladly accepted, shooing the boys upstairs.

"It's just a little girl time, get upstairs and I'll send her up when she's done," Mitsuki insisted to which her son was pissed. I just stood, rinsing off the plates for her to put into the washer. "It's sweet of you to help."

"Dinner was really good."

"Katsuki gets his cooking skills from me," she said, proudly. "Be honest with me now, he is nice to you, right?"

At first, he had been the very opposite to me, but I would never express that to his mother. It felt like tattling and I honestly knew that Bakugo was sorry.

"Yes he is."

"Good," she said, closing up the washer and turning it on. "He knows better than to not be."

"Katsuki is very considerate in his own way," I stated. She looked to me with a warm smile.

"I can tell that he really does like you, it's nice to see him like his classmates as much as he does with you and Eijiro," she stated, walking around the island to wipe down the counter. "You mind taking dessert up for you all to share?"


She pulled some things out of the fridge, scooping 2 little cups of a pudding-like dessert and one with mostly cake.

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