Camp | Chpt 21

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(y/n)'s POV

I knew camp was a bad idea.

There was no news coverage of the attack on school, they had managed to hide it really well. It was obvious that if parents or city dwellers were audacious enough, they would riot and get me thrown out of UA if that was the case. I had only just realized that now, when I started to think about the training camp.

Aizawa had assured me that all would be well, as their location was secured and they had a team of expert forest navigators keeping the class safe. There was no way anybody, good, bad, or in between would know where we were. I still thought it would be foolish for me to come along to a trip so close to my birthday. Mina had pointed out that I would be unsafe without Aizawa to watch over me and he was required to go on the training camp trip. It was hard to shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen.

The bus ride was bumpy, but Mina had fallen asleep against me. She brought a pillow which was propped up against my arm, but it was mostly pointless in this current moment. I watched out the window as we came to a cliff. We had to walk the rest of the way. Mina talked about extra classes she had to take on the trip because of a test they had while I was out. The sheer impact of my absence hadn't sunk in either. It was longer than I remember, though if you asked me while I was just sitting around I would tell you it was too long.

The first night was nice.

There was a huge buffet of food and a loud ruckus among the students. Class 1B was here too, but I hadn't seen much of them yet. Sero said something gross and Jirou scolded him. Kirishima was eating so fast I thought he might choke. His eyes peered over at me, putting down the bowl.

"Aren't you hungry?" he asked, through his chews.

"Yeah, I just don't eat that fast," I said, pointing towards him with the back end of my chopsticks. He just grinned at me, shoveling rice into his mouth.

"You eat like a cretin."

I glanced over at Bakugo, who was looking across the table at his best friend with great disdain.

"It's just so good! I need it in my mouth as fast as possible," Kirishima defended.

"That's what she said," Kaminari piped up, leaning his head forward to look down the table.

"Ugh, you are so disgusting," Jirou complained.

"I call it like I see it," he retorted. "Right bestie?" He flashed me finger guns and I just placed rice into my mouth slowly, not knowing what he wanted me to agree to. Sero snorted and Kaminari wailed, putting on his dramatics. After dinner when everyone was full, everyone wanted to go to the hot springs they had.

I stopped in the locker room, undressing and looking at my wrappings. I had been given the go ahead to take them off, but I didn't really want to. I had to admit, I was afraid of what might be beneath. The nasty part of my brain had imagined the scenarios in which things were the absolute worst they could be. I undressed the wound, tossing the bandages away. It must have been confusing for my quirk to fix the damage that had been done. Since Toga's weapon had gone through my side completely, front to back, there had been a hole there. Instead of a little stitch at the front and the back, there was one that wrapped from the front around the side to the back. It was thick too, very...noticeable.

I put a towel on and headed towards the girls side. They didn't say anything about it, probably because they hadn't seen it. I didn't expect any of them to be staring. It was calm, though we could all hear some commotion next door.

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