Finding Out | Chpt 23

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Hiya. I live in the Midwest in the US and there's a major snow storm rn 🤢


(y/n)'s POV

The entirety of the League was sat around this disgusting office building and just hung my head, listening to the silence. It took too much energy to hold my head up the entire time. A hand dug around in my hair to get a good grip before my head was pulled up. Toga leaned over so her face was directly in front of mine, smiling at me.

"Well good morning!" she said.

It was morning?

My eyes shifted around to the group, seeing Shigaraki unimpressed and nails digging up skin at the raw parts of his neck. There was a well dressed man leaning up against a counter, mask over his face and fingers juggling a small blue orb. The purple warp villain was by the door, just serving as a means of transport it seemed. My eyes moved towards the other villain that had come into our pub not that long ago. Dabi. He was the one to have carried me.

"If All for One was still getting quirks, I think he should've collected this one," Toga said, pointing to me.

"He gave it to her father, why would he take it back?" Shigaraki asked, knowing this was a waste of time.

"Because it's not just the quirk you describe," she hissed, letting go of my head. She picked up my arm, finding a clean spot. I watched as she dragged the knife down. She collected blood as usual, but held out my arm when she was finished. My other arm followed, hanging from where my wrists were joined by rope. Sure enough, as long I was alive, my skin sealed back up with a stitch.


"She's got regenerative powers, how am I the 'dumb blonde one'," Toga huffed, dropping my arms.

"You realize that you do need to replenish her if you want to keep being her," Dabi said, stepping forwards. Toga picked up my head and I looked up at Dabi.

"You're...the guy who carried me."


I paused for a moment, before locking eyes with him.

"You smell like shit," I bit at him and his eyes narrowed, raising a hand to hit me. I flinched slightly, though I probably shouldn't have. My eyes not fully closed opened to see Dabi lower his hand and walk away towards the door. Why he hadn't hit me, was beyond me.

"He does kind of smell..." Toga murmured, letting go of my head. I held my head up this time.

"Power or not, All for One is right now. So we move on," Shigaraki stated.

"Oh boy, I wish I could have you watch things play out through my eyes. Or well your eyes," Toga said, petting my hair as the ground made way to leave. I felt tempted to beg them to release me, but that would be no use. I let my head drop again as the room emptied.

In the time I was alone, I figured I might be on camera, but I didn't really care. I still called for Kutsu to make his appearance to help me. I was getting weaker everyday so it seemed less and less likely that he would come, or I would be able to summon him. I think everyday, but I don't know how long it has been.

"Kutsu," I murmured.

I was met with silence. I felt my lip quiver and my eyes burn, but I couldn't cry it would hurt too bad.

"Kutsu please..." I said, trying my hardest to muster up the ability.

I was rendered useless.


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