Romance Manga | Chpt 26

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(y/n)'s POV

"What...happened to you?" my mother asked. I clasped my hands together nervously, thinking the worst. I had forced myself to come down here in the hopes that I would be forced to talk about what happened. I had later deducted that I had a panic attack following my overthinking. I had never really had a freak out like that, I guess I had no real reason to. It made me sick to my stomach to think that maybe I didn't have any reason to survive prior to coming to UA. Having a reason to stick around was so exhausting.

I thought that maybe my mother was lying to me, and worst case scenario she would all of a sudden reveal that she had been tricking me into believing she cared. She would get mad that All for One had rejected me after all she had been working on. I glanced up at her and her eyebrows were furrowed.

"All for One...he didn't come for me but another villain did," I said.

"They gave you all those new scars on your arms?" she asked, looking down at my skin. I pulled my arms back as a defensive reaction, but nodded nonetheless. "Oh...(y/n)."

It was quiet for a moment. My mother wasn't allowed to touch me, but she placed both hands on the table.

"I'm sorry."

I glanced up, eyes darting up to meet hers.

"You deserve a better life than this one," she said. She didn't mention that she had been the one to bring me into this world. For once, she didn't talk about herself. "Are now?"


"Good," she said, wringing her hands. It was so weird to see my mother like this. Time incarcerated had made her more timid and feeling. I guess time apart in new places had changed the both of us. I let out a breath, feeling silly. It was less of a change and more of us sinking into who we naturally were. The next time I spoke to my mother, I wanted to know about what she was like before my father. Even if it disappointed me, I needed to know. I looked to my mother who was staring at Aizawa. Aizawa had his head down, quiet as to not disturb us. Knowing Aizawa, he had to feel her staring at him but still kept out of the meeting. My mother was bestowing a lot of trust in Aizawa, as it seemed. "I...always forget to ask, but are you learning more?"

"In school?"

"School. With new friends?" she continued.

I nodded simply. I was learning more. There was a very different style between the teachers in the school. It seemed like Aizawa was most in the trenches, trying to instill the ideaology that heroism is not as black and white as it seems. Some of the other teachers were more commission oriented, though their input was valuable to a certain extent.

I was learning. I was also learning from my classmates. I didn't want to say anything to my mother about them, especially not Kirishima or Bakugo. Their names popping up in my thoughts caused my stomach to drop to my feet. I hadn't spoken to them since yesterday and avoided them both all throughout class today.

"Time," a guard stated. My mother stood.

"Next time," she said. "I appreciate your visits."

"Bye mom," I said. Her eyes flickered, lips curling up as a guard escorted her out. Aizawa picked up his head and stood as well. I placed my arms on the table, setting my head down.

"Not ready to leave yet?" Aizawa asked.

"No," I replied, sniffling. It was still really cold out and it was threatening to snow. My nose had been running because of the cold and my eyes were watering now just sitting here. There was a drag of a chair next to me and Aizawa sat down.

The Villain Integration Program | Kirishima x Bakugo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now