Laser Tag | Chpt 31

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Hiya. People actually seem to like when I put music above the chapters so I'll try doing that more often. This is "All I Need" by Lloyd


(y/n)'s POV


"What have you been up to? Kirishima asked where you've been," Mina asked.

"Oh, just busy," I replied, "I guess I've been missing them."

I was slapping myself on the wrist at this point, not taking the clearly laid out advice Aizawa had given me. He had told me not to avoid Bakugo and Kirishima, but I was and just labelling it as hanging out more diversely. I had hung out with Kaminari and Shinsou, spent the afternoon yesterday talking with Deku, and now I had circled back to Mina. I was still in possession of the second volume of Bakugo's romance manga and even though I was already finished with it, I did not want to return it just yet. It was cowardly, but at this point I felt like I had some justification in the way I was acting. With the amount of trauma I had under my belt, I just needed time to myself without drama.

"You avoiding them?"

"What? No. What makes you say that?" I asked, shrugging her off.

"You were busy yesterday because you were listening to Midoriya rant for hours."

"He's interesting to listen to."

"Not that interesting," Mina pointed out and I let out a soft sigh.

"I don't mean to avoid them or make them feel like I don't like them, but I just...need a break is all," I said. "I try not to let myself use my background as an excuse for how I feel or how I'm acting, but at this point...I've never had a crush on anyone, let alone 2 people who very clearly like each other. It takes a lot out of me and I don't want to deal with it right now."

"Awe...(y/n), I didn't know that was how you felt. I mean...I guess it makes sense and all considering you technically have never had a crush on anyone."


"Well. If they ask, I'll just steer them away from you for a little while," Mina said.

"Thanks, you really don't have to," I replied. "It's not like I can just avoid them forever."


"It'll be fine, eventually I'll just miss them too much to be avoiding them," I pointed out and she nodded. We completed our homework together and I ended up walking back to my dorm with a cautious eye out. It was clear now that at least Kirishima had figured out I was trying to keep my distance right now, having gone to Mina about me. I knew that Kirishima was a tenacious guy, so the idea he might be looking around for a moment to talk to me did not phase me--hence why I was keeping an eye out. As for Bakugo, I didn't know. I peered around the corner, seeing that my hall was empty and made a mad dash to my door. I stopped, entering in the code and opening up the door.


I immediately recognized that as Kirishima and just pretended I couldn't hear him, shutting myself in my dorm. I didn't know what good that did me besides buy about 30 seconds of time before he knocked on my door to talk to me. I didn't know why I thought he might just leave. He knocked again and I cringed before opening up my door.


"Are you avoiding us?" Kirishima asked and I glanced to his right, seeing Bakugo turn his head to look at Kirishima incredulously. That obviously was not their plan and Kirishima had just blurted it out. They were a pair, acting together as usual.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Are you avoiding us?" he asked again.

"...No...why would you ask that?" I questioned, taking the offense. It felt dirty to be so sneaky and secretive, like that was all I was meant to be. I was probably acting like they had expected me to when I first arrived.

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