Romance Show | Chpt 42

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Heyo. It's been days and I'm still thinking about Heartstopper. Also it's been a weird morning, I got catcalled?? at my school. Not sure why and there were like 4 other people around who were as confused as I was. 



(y/n)'s POV

When I woke up the next morning, I sat up to glance over the edge of the bed. Bakugo had managed to fall asleep despite the fact that Kirishima was all over him. They were both still fast asleep and I glanced at my phone. It was relatively early and I got up silently to use the restroom. I crossed the hall and did so, brushing through my hair with my fingers at the mirror and splashing my face lightly. Upon crossing back towards Kirishima's room, I heard soft noise in the kitchen.

"I will see you later my love," Ishi said, a kissing noise following. I wandered towards the kitchen at the sound of breakfast being made. The door opened and closed before I made it there and I peeked in at Okaasan making fluffy pancakes at the stove. She put another on a plate, the table all set up with the rest of breakfast. She had covered it all to keep it warm and there was a vase with a couple flowers in it at the center of the table, those of which had not been there last night during dinner. She set another pancake down, doing so relatively fast. She turned to bring the plate to the table, spotting me.

"Oh! Good morning, how did you sleep?" she questioned.

"Well," I replied.

"I'm almost done, you can sit down for a moment," she said. I shuffled in and sat down, smelling the amazing food. There was a plate gone from the table and I looked to see it in the sink. Ishi must've eaten and left already for work like she said. "So how did you happen to meet Eiji?"

"Well, when I was enrolled in the program and placed at UA, he was one of the first people to study with me," I said. "He's really great."

"I'm glad he was able to be your friend," Okaasan said. "If you don't mind me asking, how does your quirk work? Eiji doesn't really say all that much about your quirk or the program. I'm interested."

That was sweet of Kirishima, being more concerned with me, not my ability.

"Oh well when I'm cut, it heals over in a stitch. They just kind of unzip and let out the stuff I need to," I explained. "My parents...led a bar where villains could eat and when they were found, the program was offered to me."

"Interesting, well you'll have to tell me more sometime. Breakfast is all done! Are the boys up?"

"Uh no."

"Could you do me the favor of waking them up so you can have breakfast together?" she asked. I nodded and tip toed back down the hall towards Kirishima's room. I glanced in before slipping through the doorway. I approached the side of the bed, gently rocking Bakugo and subsequently Kirishima. Kirishima seemed like a heavy sleeper, so I figured I would have a lot more luck waking Bakugo first. Bakugo woke up immediately and angrily, sucking in a breath as he looked around for the disturbance.

"Uh...breakfast," I said, once his eyes landed on me. I retrieved my hand and he squinted, letting air out of his lungs. He shoved Kirishima hard and Kirishima picked up his head groggily. I stepped away from the bed, standing awkwardly in the center of the room. It was clear that Kirishima didn't have to do a lot of work to hold his hair up while he was styling. He sat up and ran his hand across his hair to fix where it was sticking up everywhere.

"Breakfast is ready, sweaty bastard," Bakugo hissed, getting up and rolling his shoulders out. Kirishima lumbered out of bed eyes drooping and feet dragging.

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