Bakugo's House | Chpt 43

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HEYO good morning

Check out Conversation Hearts if you haven't already, it's my OC x Aizawa and it's really cute, not to be biased.


(y/n)'s POV

I spent 3 days at Kirishima's house. Ishi gave me a big hug as Bakugo and I left, saying something about teaching me a few fighting moves. She was extremely kind and the type to state that girls ought to stick together. I thanked her and complimented Okaasan on her cooking and everything she had done during my stay. She gave me a smile that warmed my stomach and handed me a thing full of Christmas cookies.

I felt like crying, Kirishima's home was just so full of love like he was.

When I got back to school, it was nearly silent on account of all the students on break. I spent Christmas with Aizawa and Mic, who were more than glad to have me. Midnight sensei had joined them as well, offering up to take me out on the 23rd to accompany her shopping. We never celebrated Christmas in my house. It was a new experience in person, I was well aware of how the holiday worked but it caught me by surprise anyways.

The 3 adults were not aware of how to really cook, it was sort of strange to watch. Aizawa ordered take out on both Christmas eve and Christmas but it wasn't bad. It was just nice to eat with them. While I had learned quite a bit about how Aizawa was not as strict or stoic as he seemed, but Midnight and Mic seemed to go out of their way to embarrass him. I learned that he was a tap dancer and had a soft spot for music, hence why he was married to Mic--besides the fact they loved each other. I guess their love for music was a plus.

"No because in high school he used to get in trouble for having stray cats in his BACKPACK!" Mic roared and I laughed.

"Haha, very funny. You were just mad because they didn't like you."

I was surprised at the fact that Mic and Aizawa had each gotten me a Christmas gift. Aizawa, who had read quite a bit of my journal for a while and assumed that I was still doing it, gifted me a bunch of colorful pens. I guess I would picked back up my journalling. Mic had gifted me a pair of headphones, directing me towards quite a few playlists he had made for his radio show. He had heard that I didn't really listen to music all that much considering I didn't have access to it. I was no stranger to the radio, which was usually in the house at the time.

"I didn't get you anything..." I said, holding the 2 items in my hands.

"You don't have to," Aizawa said, placing a hand on my head, "your presence is gift enough."

I did end up laying in bed, crying about it after Christmas morning. It wasn't a bad thing, but I couldn't help it. I had visited my mother too, the day after Christmas. I thought it was only a good thing and it was. I had sat with the headphones on while I rode with Aizawa to the prison complex. I listened to some of Mic's music before switching over to something Jirou had suggested to me. I ended up listening to that over and over for a while.

They had given me some extra time with my mother because it was the holiday season, and I was grateful.

"You spent time at a classmates home?" she asked, smiling as she listened to me talk.

"Yeah," I said, shrugging. "His name is Kirishima, he's beyond nice. And another classmate Bakugo came with. Kirishima and I are going to his house next."

"That's so wonderful. You had fun?"

I nodded, smiling back at her.

"I'm glad."

She wished me a happy rest of my break, she still wasn't really a holiday person. So now I found myself walking towards the address Bakugo had given me. Kirishima was supposedly already there. Aizawa was weary of letting me walk on my own, but it wasn't all that far and I could handle myself. I successfully arrived and knocked on the door.

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