Effort | Chpt 27

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(y/n)'s POV

I was sitting out at gym again. It was better for me and I knew that, but it was sort of alienating to be the only one not participating. The worse part was that everyone knew exactly why I was sitting out, which was pitiful. Sitting here, I started to think about everything and so I forced myself to roll out my ankles. I was just taking care of my muscles that was all.

I watched Mina glide past, some of her acid and Mina herself floating up after Uraraka managed to touch her. I wanted something to do and the book Bakugo had let me borrow was tucked safely in my bag. I had even put it in a plastic baggie to ensure that there was no chance of it getting wet. I, of course, didn't want to just read it out in the open in the off chance that someone figured out that Bakugo did in face read romance manga.

It was sweet really, such a touch terse guy indulging in the simple romantic clichés of writing. I had already breezed through half of it last night after returning to my dorm. It made me wonder if he really did like the idea of having someone romantic. This particular book was best friends to lovers and as my eyes trained in on Bakugo and Kirishima, it seemed like Kirishima might be the dense one. At first glance, you'd think that Kirishima was just so nice that he liked whoever he was talking to way to much. Bakugo obviously didn't want to accept any kind of attention like that, at least that's what he put forward. If Kirishima didn't so obviously like Bakugo, it would be apparent that Bakugo was pining for his best friend--just like in the book.

"Whatcha starin' at?" Mina asked, plopping down on the bench beside me. There was a soft hiss of residual acid tearing the paint off the bench seat.

"Nothing," I said, shaking my head.

"You bored?"

"Tell me about it," I sighed.

"You seem weird tired," she pointed out and I looked her way.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean...like sluggish," she added. "It would make sense that you are, given all the craziness, but I don't know you just seem subdued."

"I...don't know," I replied, shrugging my shoulders. "I kind of feel tired? But not like I can't get up or anything."

"Hmm, well take a little while to yourself today. Maybe we'll do face masks later or something," Mina suggested. I nodded and she got up to rejoin the class. I looked to see bloated handprints on the bench where Mina had been sitting.

After classes, I quickly finished the first volume of the manga. I decided to head over to Bakugo's dorm again, to get the second one if he'd let me. I knocked holding the baggie with the book inside. He opened it up, pulling out a ear bud to glare at me.

"The fuck you want?" he asked, clearly on his way to work out.

"I was just wondering if I could swap out this one for the second one to read," I said, pulling out the copy. He took it from my hand, leaving the door open and heading over to his bookshelf.

"Damn, did you even digest the book?" he asked, finding my quick reading to be discerning. "You're like shitty hair when he eats."

"I just read fast," I stated. He swapped out the book and handed me the second one. I put it in the bag, which Bakugo eyed.


"So it doesn't get wet," I pointed out, holding the second book to my chest. He narrowed his eyes, but grabbed his gym bag to let himself out and shut his door. "Thanks."

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