Can't Talk About It | Chpt 25

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(y/n)'s POV

I stood, arms wrapped firmly around Mina. As soon as I had been released from Recovery Girl's office, she had found me and quickly grabbed a hold of me. She was quiet, eyes closed and hands planted firmly on my back.


"Shhh, we're staying like this forever," she said. I sighed, placing a chin on her shoulder. It had been quite a few minutes standing here just hugging. As sweet as it was, I was starting to feel a little weak just standing here.

"We can keep hugging, could I just sit down though?" I asked. She picked her head up, looking over me.

"OH! Yeah, yeah," she replied, letting go of me finally. She let me sit down on her bed and she sat beside me, nestling up under my arms. I smiled slightly, figuring I had more of an effect on people than I thought. "You know, I had been wondering why you hadn't been talking to me recently. I thought I did something."


"Not want to talk about it?" she asked.



It was quiet for a few seconds before she sat up and let go of me. She twiddled with her fingers for a little, glancing up at me. It was obvious that people wanted to know what happened and I just didn't want to talk about it. For a moment, with Toga, I had felt myself break. I feared that it was not a good sign that I did. It wasn't as though I had considered joining her for even a second, but I seemed close to giving up. I was embarrassed and nervous about it.

"We can do something else," she said, shaking her head. "We can like talk about...boys?"

"Boys?" She stared at me expectantly. "You mean a boy. Kirishima?"

"What??? Pft, no," she said, shrugging me off. Her eyes darted back towards me. "Unless you want to."

"You still think I like him, huh?" I asked, smiling slightly. She shrugged.

"It just seems like it."

I let out a drawn out sigh.

"I...don't want to talk about Toga," I said. "But towards the beginning of my time with her, she mentioned that she...saw the way Kirishima looked at me. She said she knew how I feel about him. I don't even know that."

"Well, I think he does look at you so sweetly," Mina said. "And you do like him as a person."

I nodded.

"I think Kirishima really likes Bakugo," I said. "I know Bakugo likes him too. It's pretty obvious. I think, maybe, that I don't want to realize anything. I'd rather not."


"I think it's complicated."

"They both came to visit you, didn't they?"

"Yeah, they did. It was nice."

"Well maybe--"

I just shook my head and Mina stopped herself. It was quiet and Mina placed a soft hand on my leg.

"Do you not want to realize how you feel or wish you hadn't?" she asked. I pressed my lips together, letting my head drop slightly.

"Wish I hadn't," I said.

"I'm...sorry (y/n). I'm not the greatest at distracting you right now am I?" she asked and I just chuckled.

"It's not your fault," I replied.

The Villain Integration Program | Kirishima x Bakugo x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt