The Verdict | Chpt 18

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(y/n)'s POV

My heart hurt.

Aizawa's birthday had come and gone and I was sat in a hospital room. I wasn't in severe pain or anything, nor was my condition at all serious. They just needed a place to look after me while the VIP counsel decided where I should end up. I wasn't allowed visitors at all and if I knew that lunch with Bakugo and Kirishima would be the last for a while, I would've savored it more.

I just sat sipping on apple juice and eating the various jello flavors they had in the cafeteria. 

The one visitor I was allowed to go and see myself, was my mother. I thought it was kind of ridiculous, given the circumstances, but that was their ruling. Who was I to argue? 

I wondered what was going on at school. I hadn't had the chance to speak with anyone other than Kirishima and Bakugo. I wondered how Mina was doing, knowing she had been the nicest to me from the get go. I had a phone, but I had no one's number so it wasn't like I could just text anyone. I didn't know what to say.

Aizawa was due soon, he came each day after class to inform me if the counsel was ruling or not. Each time, he asked me if I wanted to go see my mother and each time I refused, not sure what I even wanted to say to her. It would be weird, just sitting and watching her in cuffs. How was I supposed to really talk to her. Like clockwork, Aizawa came in the room.

"No verdict yet," he said, setting down a book and stuffed animal. He always came in with something new, for entertainment. 2 days prior, I had asked for him to bring nail polish to cover up my chipped ones and he had brought it yesterday. I picked up the stuffed bunny, tucking it in my arms as I crossed them. Kutsu had not been making any appearances lately. My quirk was hard at work repairing my side but if Kutsu was more active he would easily become attached to the stuffed bunny. "Going to see your mother?"


"Alright then," he said. "I actually brought another surprise, but you can't tell anyone."

I perked up slightly, looking towards the door as it opened. Mina came tip toeing in, a smile on her face. I smiled as well, looking at Aizawa. He just shut himself out of the room, going to sit outside and keep watch.

"(y/n), how are you feeling?"

"Fine, just...hate being in here 24/7," I replied. She smiled, coming to sit up on the hospital bed with me. She tucked her feet up criss cross applesauce, clasping her hands together.

"Hey, I just wanted to let you know I'm sorry. I feel so terrible for watching the video," she stated and I shrugged.

"It's really alright, I shouldn't hide that stuff anymore and now I know what's going on," I replied. "I forgive you, you don't have to worry about it."

"Oh good," she said, dramatically sighing. "Kirishima was saying you were going to leave school forever??"

"Well, at first I felt like I wanted to, like that would be the best option, but after talking with Kirishima and...well Bakugo, I've mellowed on the subject. Stewing in here makes me think that I really want to stay at UA. I worry, of course, about All for One hurting you all, but honestly having All Might in the building seems like the safest place."

"Great! So you're staying?"

"I would, but I don't know what my program leaders will say about it," I stated.

"Shit, you're right," Mina said, mulling the dilemma over in her brain. "I hope you can stay. Those program people can catch my hands."

I smiled and laid my head back against the pillow.

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