The Recording | Chpt 15

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Hi :)

I'm taking a week off for vacation so this will be the last VIP chapter until after next week! I'm considering putting out a little Christmas thing about Eri to warm your hearts a little, so keep an eye out for that.

Happy Holidays and I'll see you all soon :)


3rd Person POV

"Lemme get this straight, so 1-A just took in this girl after they arrested her parents? Why does that concern us? Wouldn't that be a good thing?"

"It just does concern us, she's our key to getting in there."

"How do you know all this stuff anyways?"

There was great tension between the 2 villains, Kurogiri behind the bar with watching eyes.

"Your little boyfriend," Shigaraki stated, picking at his neck again. He was growing sick and tired of Dabi's attitude, finding that Dabi was not as loyal to their vendetta against All Might as the rest of the League was. Talking to Hawks about (y/n) was a lie and a shitty one at best, but Dabi didn't need to know about top orders. Shigaraki just needed him in line for once.

"He's not my--look this kid obviously deflected from her parents and wants to be a hero. I severely doubt she means anything to us," Dabi stated. He was more so worried about showing up at the hero school where his youngest sibling resided. That and he didn't really care all that much about getting some dumb kids to join their cause. Shigaraki's childish obsessions had to stop at some point.

"She just is, and you'll take the order," Shigaraki stated, standing up from his place at the bar. Dabi considered starting a fight with him there, but the fact was they would just end up destroying the place. Toga needed some place to stay at least. Dabi looked to Toga as Shigaraki walked beside her chair. "Little miss blood bag over here, will be managing the operation."

"You're kidding," Dabi stated.

"Wait really?? Wow, that's never happened before," Toga said, turning her knife over in her hands. Toga was intelligent but she was emotional, just like everybody else here. It was hypocritical to say, but Dabi would never admit the fallacies in his mission.

"I've been in that bar before, the (l/n) place. Word seems to be that she's leaking information about the customers," Shigaraki stated. "I know you have too Dabi."

"How come I didn't get to go?? She and I could've been such good friends," Toga said, sighing dramatically.

"Oh, I think you'll find a lot of things in common with (y/n)," Shigaraki stated to Toga, causing Dabi to only narrow his eyes.

(y/n)'s POV

"Mmhmm, I've got it," I said, nodding to Kaminari. After our little chat, he had commissioned me to help him get a foot in the door with Sero. I didn't know why he would choose me other than pity, and even so it was a bad choice. I didn't know the first thing about relationships. Kaminari was intending to fall in front of Sero, which could've easily been accomplished by himself, but I was playing the role of who he would bump into.

"Sero will most definitely catch me, that's a fact," Kaminari said, dashing across the hall to the other side. I was to wait until Sero was nearby, but I was struggling to understand what-- "Oh HEY Sero. Bro, my man, you are looking good today. Where did you get that hat?"

I stood up, feeling awkward as I walked their way.

This was so stupid. How in the world was this supposed to work? I just bumped into Kaminari's shoulder and he fell back obnoxiously. Sero whipped a piece of tape out around Kaminari's arm and placed a hand behind his back to catch him.

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