Color | Chpt 47

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Hello there. If you didn't see my announcement, I'm taking a short break. I currently have a stress induced ulcer so I'm trying to take it easy.


(y/n)'s POV

We returned to school today. We didn't get the results back yet and I was getting too antsy. I sat in my desk with my ankles crossed, half-listening to Mic talk about symbolism. I scribbled down something about color that he was talking about, staring at the front board. Kirishima sat directly behind me in English. There were a few empty desks because of the different sizes of the classes. Across the room, Bakugo sat scribbling out some notes. Everything was normal, besides the fact everyone was trying to get back into school after the break. Kirishima, however, was very obviously staring at the back of my head. I could feel his gaze burning against my skin and I fought the urge to place a cool hand against the nape of my neck.

"So color is extremely important, I'm sure that Midnight has said that countless times. Each color has different associations and are therefore symbolic of different things. Can someone think of an example?" he asked.

Momo raised her hand, as she did frequenly. She was beyond smart and it was confusing how she wasn't at the top of the class when talking about the big 3. Everyone waas very capable, but it just didn't make sense that someone of her intelligence and capability was not part of the 'big 3'. She dominated frequently in competition--especially during tests.

"Yes, Yaoyorozu."

"Uhm well red often serves as a symbol for anger or blood," she said.

That was...unexpected to hear from her mouth before lunch on a Monday. I glanced her way and then to Mic.

"Yes! Red has a negative connotation in that sense. Typically colors have more than one connotation, how is red a positive color?" Mic asked. I waited for someone to answer. "Yes Kirishima. How appropriate."

"It can mean passion or love," he stated. I let out a sigh and ducked my head down. The irony of this class was immeasurable. We were talking about symbolism and just the mere duality of the color red was parallel to the second side of Kirishima I saw last night. Maybe he didn't really have a second side like that, but I didn't want to associate Kirishima with thinking I'm a villain or the other people in the program are. It was much easier to pretend that he had a bad side.

"Yes! All these definitions, they all lead back to a common theme of red being a very strong color. When we look through literature, we can see common themes for colors. White can mean purity but it can also be associated with death and old age. There are different associations that are more typical in certain areas. Green can mean nature but also envy and deceipt. Blue can mean tranquility but it can also mean coldness and sorrow. Orange can mean health and adventure or ambition but also can be associated with anxiety. So I encourage you to pick a color and research some of the symbols it can represent. Write a sort definition and at least 2 examples of where that color is representative."

I wrote down our homework, trying to decide what color I would choose. He continued talking about how next class we would talk about other symbols and I tugged on my hair. Maybe I could talk about green. I figured that Midoriya or Tsu would probably do something like that, so maybe I'd pick a more specific color.

"Dismissed!" he called. I shut my notebook and shoved it in my backpack. I kept a side eye on Kirishima, watching him pack up his things with a major frown. I understood that Kirishima didn't exactly trust Hibiki, but it wasn't like I was laying all my faith in him. Hibiki wasn't a perfect person, most definitely, but he wasn't evil. Kirishima hadn't even talked with him, so how could he make that assumption? Either he was great at hiding the fact he thought I was a villain, or he was a hypocrit and actually trusted me.

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