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August 5, 2028- masons extended family AKA Hayley miracle and Hope went to Mystic Falls they saw Caroline's family mason walk up to Caroline and the two walk away talking to each other

Hayley watched them but focused on her daughters

What are you crazy you're out of your mind if you think I'm going to let you go through with this plan ( says Caroline)

Mason: I have no choice I have to put an end to this Caroline my family is in danger I lived over a thousands of years my daughter's hasn't it's time for them to live their life I want them to go on Adventures see new things be in love please Caroline

Caroline: what about your family what would happen if they find out you're trying to commit suicide (says)

Mason: which is why I want to end this before they even know

Caroline: so what you're just going to go ghost them before killing yourself they already lost their grandmother they can't lose their father who I should know my daughter has lost their mother before they were even born but the thing is they don't know anything about her but your daughters they spent their whole life with you well technically they know you there never going to let you go through with this

Mason: Caroline is not your call to make but I really need your daughters to do the spell tonight my daughter is going to turn into a wolf it will be her most vulnerable time plz (says and leaves)

Hope was getting some food at the table, as she did she didn't notice someone walking beside her

Someone: hey are you new here (ask)

Hope: no not really I go to school in this town (says)

Someone: you made it sound like you don't live here

Hope: I live in another town (says) I'm hope

Someone: the names Landon

Hope: it's nice to meet you Landon (says)

Landon: you're really pretty (says and she looked at him weird) sorry it's just I never really talked to a girl for a whole entire good minute without them insulting me or getting bullied

Hope: I'm sorry (says) but if you like do you want to dance

Landon: sure (says and the two started dancing with each other)

Hayley smiled when she watched her daughter dance with Landon, Caroline walked beside her

Hayley: you still have feelings for him don't you (says)

Caroline: I mean who couldn't he has his way with words (says) I'm sorry.... for

Hayley: sleeping with my husband (says) my 19 year old self would had said you're the type of person to sleep with married men but we both know we're better than that

Caroline: I'm sorry that we got off on the wrong start when we first met

Hayley: you certainly didn't trust me back in the day then again who wouldn't I had bad intentions

Caroline: only to find your family, but you got a new family to replace the one you lost you could say I'm jealous, my life is complicated I Get Knocked Up With Children who aren't even mine I get married only to lose the love of my life on the day of my wedding

Hayley: please I had it worse than you I got murdered twice when I gave birth I got married only for the next day have my husband been taken away and running for my life with my two daughters I spent five years in hiding one of my daughters Were tortured in hell, I was tortured a couple times afraid of what my daughter's future was going to be like trust me if anyone has had it worse it's me (says and caroline smiles)

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